A few months ago, it was discover an asteroid orbiting the Sun in the opposite direction, but it seems strange that this behavior also occurs in other large celestial bodies.
Draft Search Wide Area Planets (WASP) the United Kingdom, together with the Observatory of Geneva discovered a planet whose orbit also runs counter to the rotation of the star.
The planet called WASP-17 and its star located 1,000 light years away and, according to Sara Seager (MIT astrophysicist), one of the planets would be more strange that they are aware.
To create a star needs a cloud of gas and dust collapse. Her movement is intensifying to the extent that is condensed, which in turn determines the direction you turn.
Planets develop from the remains, usually mass of gas and dust disc-shaped revolving around the star formed, so the direction that moves the material (which is the same as rotates the star), becomes the direction of the orbit of the planet.
Scientists think that in the case of WASP-17 there was probably some kind of close encounter with a larger planet, causing the gravitational interaction between the two to launch a minor planet orbiting the contrary to its star.
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