Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to overcome the fear of public speaking

All human beings have fears that protect us from feelings or exposures that may be harmful. Many of these fears are necessary but others become a real limitation in life.

There are people who have to face when talking to a person, a superior or in public may feel real anguish, that paralyzes and prevents them from communicating, thus avoiding behaviors presents just such situations.

This looks natural, it has to do with that nobody likes being exposed to criticism or abuse. But usually we handle this, coming to accept that we can make mistakes or do not like people.

But some people have an irrational fear, and begin to isolate themselves to avoid being exposed to the suffering that is felt by them as a danger. Social phobia usually begins in childhood or adolescence.

The problem arises when this fear behind lies another, more painful it is camouflaged by this fear.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking

 All human beings have fears that protect us from feelings or exposed suffering a particular type of phobia, social, feel that they are capable of behaving properly in public because they are plagued intense, irrational fear of feeling humiliated every time they have to talk to others, teach a class or attend a meeting with more than one person. Approximately 2% of all healthy people have or had behavior consistent with this disease
If it makes you feel when there is no real reason to justify it, or the fear is so intense that inhibits and encloses you, you must address to overcome this phobia from two perspectives: the reflexive, to dive into the root of fear, and behavioral to learn to give different responses to situations that provoke anxiety.


1 -Tracks within yourself what are the situations in which you will arise thoughts lead to anxiety. Watch them and detailed notes of these scenarios.
Analyze what is your position on them and have expectations. Compare them with the expectations that you assume that others have about you.

2- Take each of these contexts and seeks to discover what would be the actual degree of risk they contain. So find that, from a real but trivial detail, or even a fantasy, your phobia compels you to exaggerate the risk, always in your mind and never in reality. Check it, comparing the risks you've determined actual course expectations you had in the previous tip.
3- Perform these two exercises carefully you will be very useful to modify these behaviors. Decrease this catastrophic vision of your imagination resorting to humor, further exaggerating "catastrophic vision" and taking it to extremes you can provoke laughter.

4- Appeal to your memory, recalling scenes of yourself or others, which consider even or like you, lived such moments, nothing tragic happened and why.

5- Do not run from what scares you. Gambling, however, by a gradual improvement strategy, where every little experience will let you make the taste be moving steadily in its resolution.
6- Do not try to eliminate your anxiety but strengthen you deal with situations that provoke you. So every day you will gain more space for your self-esteem.
7- Aim every morning "challenge your phobia." Make a small action overcomes. Thus get favorably modify the relative strength of your phobia (until today, huge) and yourself (which you will grow in strength each day).
8- He says every day that you can achieve whatever you set out, and you just need to apply a little effort to realize your objectives progressive medium level.
9- It incorporates relaxation techniques and anxiety control, you can appeal to when you need them. Do not underestimate its power.