Whether for education or to satisfy curiosity, applications that bring us the universe through the screen has always been our favorites. Now NASA has once again demonstrated their teaching skills and technology in an application to the browser that lets you tour the solar system in 3D.
From NASA comes to your browser Eyes on the Solar System, where you can have guided tours or just for our neighborhood space using updated data in real time. NASA launched the Solar System suey on a 3D platform with the possibility of stereoscopic 3D (with glasses to see) that runs from the browser by downloading a plugin. From here you can browse for free or Guild Solar System, with data taken from the very basis of NASAy updated in real time by the U.S. agency and its various subdivisions. The application is not in technology we've seen in other interactive 3D applications, but is developed with technology from video games to an alternative sense of control, using both the mouse and keyboard to navigate menus and interactive. At the start you have to download the Unity plugin which is available for Windows and Mac at the moment, and once installed the plugin, you can start a journey through the Solar System Eyes on by going to your website. Inside, and not at all English, you will find invitations to visit current mission, to go directly through the solar system or start with an introduction, which is the video of the article, and add some tutorials that despite being in another language are easily understood by visual demonstration. The application is very fluid, but still has options to lower quality graphics if your computer shows any fatigue. Among other things we saw you can do is review of media files on a mission, visual checks of lights, modification time and date to present and future, increase speed, view satellite tour and modify various aspects of the configuration. Eyes on The Solar System is ideal for exploring the solar system in 3D and learn even more our home, without a doubt recommend it.