Why the gray hair occur?
Hair follicles, which are at the base of our hair, are like bulbs leaving our hair; these contain a substance called melanin, responsible for providing coloration to them. The lack of melanin in the follicle is what causes gray hairs begin to emerge, and it is normal that with the passage of time is follicles are losing their natural melanin.It is normal, or even as young children, some hair follicles may have little or no melamine, have one or two gray hairs. However an excess of gray before age 40 is a dermatological condition known as premature graying.Premature graying usually arises as a result of other diseases, which include: thyroid problems, vitiligo, stress, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, reduced bone mineral density, among others.However there are some natural remedies to combat premature graying, or even prevent, you can use without having to resort to aggressive dyes, some of them here.
Natural remedies for premature graying
Natural remedies to combat premature graying consist mainly change some of our bad habits, reducing stress levels and improving our diet, consuming higher amounts of fruits and vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy foods especially high in B12.
There are also some natural products that you can incorporate into your routine, which favor the production of melanin, delaying the onset of premature graying, see what they are.
Coconut oil
Massage with coconut oil can be very effective for the treatment of premature graying. To apply you must purchase coconut oil in health food stores and apply by massaging your scalp daily leather. Ideally, leave it on overnight and wash your hair the next morning. Coconut oil in turn will keep your hair hydrated, silky and shiny.
Curry leaves
Some components of curry leaves cooperate in restoring hair follicles of the scalp. Curry leaves are used to flavor food or apply directly on the scalp. To apply topically a good idea to put some leaves in a pot, with a little coconut oil, bring to a simmer for a few minutes, let cool and then apply on the scalp massage to stimulate the follicles.
The amaranth plant is also very effective for the treatment of gray hair, the extract of fresh leaves applied directly to the scalp is very effective. A turn can be boiled leaves and use the water to rinse your hair.
Indian gooseberry is ideal as a natural treatment to combat gray hair. To use this remedy you have to do is let the sun dry currants, then mash until you turn them into a powder. When you have this done, the powder mixture currant with coconut oil to form a paste, not too thick, you should apply daily by massaging the scalp. This result in turn favors increased hair growth.
You can also make a preparation with a teaspoon of currant juice a teaspoon of almond oil and a squeeze of lime oil and apply massaging the scalp. This natural remedy will help prevent and treat premature graying.
Henna and coconut oil
Henna is a plant that is used as a coloring and restorative scalp naturally. You can prepare yourself a natural color, which in turn will help prevent future gray hair and restorative treatment. For this preparation you have to take coconut oil, place in a saucepan and bring to a simmer to a boil. At this time you put into the pot a henna leaves and let simmer until coconut oil take a brown color. Let the mixture cool, then run it through the hair previously washed without conditioner. Apply evenly so that there are different shades. 45 minutes then rinsed with water.
Well, these were then some natural tips to combat premature graying. They will help you prevent and treat gray, however, if these have prematurely appeared probably due to nervous, food or health problems, so you should check how your body is working.