County health inspectors in Los Angeles confirmed that the potentially fatal bacteria detected at the Playboy Mansion was in the water of hot tubs. This could have been the cause of massive disease 170 guests who attended a party in February.
At first it was believed that the mass infection was due to a machine to create fog, placed near the pool, which was used during the party at the Playboy Mansion.
But after analyzing water samples in a laboratory in the county, health officials concluded that the bacterium Legionella, which causes a type of pneumonia known as Legionnaire's Disease, was the culprit.
And just so far able to determine that this dangerous bacteria was properly installed in the dozens of hot tubs that are in all the Playboy Mansion.
In the Tudor-style mansion of Hugh Hefner, located in the hills of Beverly Hills, was held on 3 February a fundraiser such as closure of the annual conference DOMAINfest Global. A party attended by hundreds of people who came from 30 countries.
Hefner, concerned about the bacteria because they home in June
One day after the event, dozens of guests reported having symptoms that included high fever, breathing problems and severe headaches. Most had symptoms of pneumonia, and three of them tested positive for the H1N1 flu tests.
Overall, health officials reported 170 cases of sick guests, all with similar symptoms.
Now, it is good time for the infamous Playboy Mansion copper since it Hugh Hefner, 84, owner of the Playboy empire, said that in June will marry the bunny Crystal Harris, 24, in the very mansion , at a party that will bring together more than 1,000 guests.
"This is the year of the rabbit in the Chinese calendar, so the party will have more bunnies than ever," Hefner joked.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English), suggest that healthy people recover quickly from the type of pneumonia called Legionnaires' disease through treatment with antibiotics.
However, if you have preexisting health conditions can cause death. Between 8,000 and 18,000 people need to be hospitalized each year in the country infected with this bacteria.
Explains the Medical Center of the University of Maryland, is an acute respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Legionella.
This bacterium usually occurs in water supply systems and can survive in hot, humid and air conditioning large buildings such as hospitals ... or mansions.
Has not demonstrated that there is the spread of bacteria from one person to another.
Although the disease has been reported in children, most infections occur in middle age or elderly.
The disease took its name when a particular group of people attending a convention in Philadelphia in 1976 were infected with the bacteria.