Google has just announced the next generation of its search engine. Known as "Caffeine, the new technology promises to deliver faster results and relevant to the user.
Obviously not much is known yet how this will work because it is a secret, but what is clear is that you will not notice the changes visually, because the surgery will take place in the heart of the browser interface without touching.
It is very good news for us, end users, the announcement is already causing some concern in the community of developers search engine optimization strategies (SEO) is still not clear how this will affect the results and positions current sites.
With more than 78% market share in the segment of the search engines, being amongst the first results on Google, is worth much money. That's why companies invest in SEO and that to reach the top, are the first to suffer if the search engines implement new changes.
If you want to try the new Google doses of caffeine, you can simply
visit the following URL: