Sunday, October 4, 2009

Video: Boeing laser weapon developed by hitting the nerve

The construction of laser weapons by the United States government seems to be increasingly close to becoming a reality. Recall that the government instructed the Boeing company to develop this technology, a program now exceeding twelve years of hard work.

In August this year, a series of tests that were successful, of which only now have released some videos that show the degree of effectiveness of this technology.

In the video we can see how this weapon gives a target located on the bonnet of a van, with an impressive degree of accuracy if we consider that the beam is being sent from a C-130 Hercules.

Originally the development of this technology was intended as a defense system to destroy enemy missiles in flight, but surely after seeing how effective technology in many other applications will be thinking not so defensive.

Sony achieved important advances in wireless power transmission

Several companies are working on developing the technology that enables wireless transmission of energy, without which so far have certainty when it will be ready to be made available to users.

One of the companies that are more advanced in this matter is Sony, which just introduced a new prototype that manages to convey with 60 Watt of power for a distance of 50 cm, while maintaining an efficiency of 80% continuously.

To achieve this they developed a system based on magnetic resonance imaging, with which it is possible to maintain efficiency in the transfer even when the sender and receiver are aligned (in fact it is not a problem when there are metal objects between the two).

In order to improve the distance obtained with this prototype would be used for energy equipment dealers, which would be achieved by powering equipment on greater distances.