The diet should always be varied and balanced, taking into account all the food groups, and caring quantities.
You do not have to be hunger, extreme diets that promise to lower all our surplus pounds in three days do not work, as healthy to lose weight gradually, between half and one pound a week.
Try to always eat at the same time, develop your schedule and stick to it. Do not skip any food even when not hungry, I recommend are 5 meals a day, you should not miss more than 4 hours without food.
Learn to read labels, "0% fat" is not the same as "no calorie" usually the light products are added more sugar to taste pleasant. The secret is to care for the portion size, whether or not a food low in fat.
Try to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime, because the metabolism slows down at night and is easier to accumulate fat.
Try to choose foods high in fiber will help you feel satisfied more easily.
Always keep on hand in your pocket or in your office, healthy foods like an apple, nuts or yogurt, this will help you not find what you should not eat.
It's good that you start your meal with a green salad or a glass of water will help you feel satisfied and not eat much.
The scale should not become an obsession, I suggest that your guide is no longer a garment that you have left, before the scale, if your choice is the scale, Weigh yourself only once a week, at the same time, preferably the morning on an empty stomach and without clothes.
Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly.
Preferably about dressing your dishes with olive oil and vinegar dressing asks next, and choose those that are most transparent, not creamy.
Decorate in a striking way your dishes, try to change them, do not eat the same thing.
Drink water throughout the day and green tea after meals.
Plan your menus, to do your grocery shopping take a list, keep the cart away anything that might be a temptation to break your willpower.
If something were to break your diet, do not wait until the next day to retrieve it, do it immediately in the next meal you touch.
Try to avoid alcohol, but I understand that sometimes it is impossible in these cases opt for red wine
Try to avoid fat, eat raw, roasted, steamed, grilled, wallpaper, etc..
There will be times that the commitments will not be easy to fulfill your diet you choose the option of eating only half of what you serve.
If you have a hunger attack, take a glass of water first and then a glass of fruit juice to quench the craving.
Try to keep a diary of what you eat, scoring all!, Any sin however small, you'll realize why you're not getting the results you want.
As I mentioned, regardless of diet you make, if accompanied by this advice, sure to meet the outcomes you seek. Remember that exercise is very important of course to help you, but you have to be very clear that 70% of the result is what goes into your mouth, the other 30% Leave it to exercise.