As the bullfighter, people for all. And he sure came up short. For example, there Panolis who are so convinced that the world will end in December 2012, and not die, sure to be angry. I hope you be of comfort to know several thousand different predictions about the end of the world and most of the time were wrong. It is important not to lose hope and trust that this may be true.
At this point, explain what the Mayan calendar (the basis of this madness) seems to me excessive cruelty to readers. Suffice it to say they had a cyclical conception of time, unlike ours, which is linear. So your calendars 'just' and start again, but only their calendars. In fact, its demise as a society has no bearing as his way of measuring time. The desk calendars are also finished and no one dies, just so that when the battery runs a mobile does not make people deaf.
In recent times, the discourse about the end of the world has changed. Years ago, the official dogma was to see the movie '2012 'by Roland Emmerich was almost a documentary. Now, when it was doom and gloom most extreme value for money, which is said to be a year of great change 'based on' and 'level' we're going to freak out. But like all bad things last forever, once past the December 21, 2012 have thought no one will recognize the fake Mayan prophecy. Of course, there will have the newspaper to remind his art.
But as we all can make mistakes, you better be prepared. And what better way to get in touch with the American company Escape Earth 2012, a token amount (24.5 dollars, some sad 17 euros) offers the possibility of escaping to a planet similar to Earth and start a new life. Low cost salvation: so that then we complain about the capitalist system.
It's simple. Anyone who wants to be saved buying your ticket and, just before the end of the world in 2012, will climb aboard the USS Ark 2012 to escape a planet similar to Earth but BRAND NEW. The choice can also take your pet (for another 17 euros). Also, if you're a gourmet, you can opt for a stretch and Superluminal rate (44.99 dollars, 31 euros) to enjoy a deluxe room (with flat screen and minibar) and access to public areas of the ship.
Luckily, those responsible for this initiative have everything planned. Thus, the price includes an outer passport (for not going through space in wetback plan) and a guidebook with answers to all questions one can do while preparing his new life. At the moment, according to the email I have sent my partner Angeloti, there are more than hundred people who have gone through box. And it seems that everything is growing.
And I ask, could it be that this was a scam and someone wants to take advantage of the general credulity? Obviously not. The project has all the guarantees. If the end of the world occurs on that date, the company agrees to move to another planet to all customers or to refund the full amount. And for the record that says it well, no fine print so there is no doubt. In other words, ensure that it pays the world survive the end of 2012. That is serious and the rest is nonsense.
A fraud? Impossible! Having paid (check, pay-pal, welcome to transfer ... chrome Coyote) the person receives mail your ticket (well, ship), intergalactic passport rule (non-transferable, for security reasons) and his guidance and pass to the VIP area of the ship if you have hired the service of 'Superluminal'. It can not, say some. Yes, folks, this is what I come by just like you to address.