Given the constant changes, the rush, tasks, work, family and active society in which we operate ... this is stressful. It is a belief that such emotional pressure is associated with negative and destructive, affecting health, however, though it seems incrible has its positive side. What is it?
According to a psychotherapist, everything in life has two faces: one good and one bad, so does the emotional pressure, but to squeeze juice from this, we must channel it properly.
The same expert said that some of the benefits obtained from this positive stress is the rapid adaptation to new changes, improved performance and capacity; besides getting physical pleasure through the senses, for what it achieves maintain an ideal lifestyle.
In other words, if there are any changes, stress at this new circumstance, motivates the person to perform his job well, channel energy, and not allow the tension curb its capabilities. That requires having everything under control. In what way?
There are several factors:
"It required more than necessary and not feel perfect, as every human being have weaknesses to certain activities and we must be aware of what we are capable of doing and what is not. Therefore, as indicated is to work with the capabilities they have to get what you want and leave the situation unscathed.
Do not overload yourself with activites because the more
activites you have pending the more stress will grow.
"A good idea is to begin to solve simple problems in which sits the control of the situation, and confidence gained will help to address the coming challenges more easily.
"It is also essential to have good physical health, for example a person who sleeps and sleeps, at least the minimum recommended time, be kept in better mental state.
"Exercise is important because experts say it helps to modulate the stress levels , but be careful, should be moderate because the excess can raise stress.
"You can do a breathing exercises to relax the body and mind, is also good to listen to music, read a book or watching a movie.