If what you have to say takes more than 140 characters, do not say it on Twitter. Open a blog, go to Facebook, talk in person. If you still can believe your message is essential for mankind uses Twitlonger or Deckly, few times a month. A sensible limit may be 5 tweets per month. But still it is best that you can learn to summarize, to use short, back to basics. Express your ideas in 140 characters is more challenging and fun, but not everything. If you like writing and your ideas are complex, many people would love to read you your new WordPress blog, it's time to try. And while you're on Twitter, you can follow these tips and write in 140 characters or less.
Use a shortening of URLs to share a link. It is one of the best ways to save space in a tweet. Any links you share on Twitter should pass through to a shortening of directions, in theory the same Twitter could do it, but in the end is never fully integrated with the tool, not what is the reason. The best are Bit.ly, Ow.ly, and Cli.gs. Goo.gl For more information visit the Wikipedia URL shortening
Use synonyms and abbreviations. There are many opportunities in which you can change a single word by a synonym that takes up less characters. For example, the word "productivity" in some cases can be replaced with "performance," spent 13 characters to 11. When using abbreviations savings is even greater characters. An example might be to use U.S. or USA instead of United States. It is important that you use common sense and do not cut words tweets filled with the ominous language or SMS. You can use a 1 x 2 x two, x and by, equal =, + x again, and so on and so on.
Be simple. In a tweet is always reflect a single idea. Be direct, bluntly, not things too much ornamentation. Not necessary (although it helps) that includes the question say something original in the tweet, it usually appears in the right leg, or a link that says "in response." No need to complicate things, you're not writing an email. No need to say hello, goodbye, or ask permission. Get to the point!
4. Read the message again and check what words you can remove. When you post a tweet do not worry about the limit of characters until you finish writing. If you ran the 140, read again all, try to remove words or phrases that are unnecessary. This works in a high percentage of times. In extreme cases you may want to divide the tweet into two parts. If the two ideas are not connected, wait a few minutes to send another tweet. On the other hand, if you spend the 140 characters, there is no reason to summarize anything.
Begins again. If there is no way to summarize a tweet, erase everything and start over again trying to use other words and a different wording. It's pretty extreme to do this, but it works very well. Sometimes we engage in something and not see clearly how things simple. If the second attempt you can not do better to try a blog.