If we take a look at PubMed, a database of current scientific papers, we find some interesting articles. Everyone agrees that most of the possible causes of halitosismal encouragement are located in the mouth. Secondly, there are respiratory infections and Otorhinolaryngologic. And lastly, there are processes (diabetes, for example), liver or kidneys (the hand to lift the medical student who is not sick of hearing the blessed frasecita "fetor uremic). We must also bear in mind that certain medications can dry the mouth or change the bacterial flora of the mouth, halitosis encouraging.
Let us not delude ourselves: many halitosis is easily solved with proper oral hygiene. A good brushing after every meal that includes all the teeth (not just luster to get the front to have a bright smile) for the required time and a mild mouthwash to help remove enough food which when processed by the bacterial flora mouth compuesos emit volatile sulfur compounds that give the smell. I repeat that the mouthwash should be smooth and you can not abuse it, because most often as they contain alcohol and dry mouth.
It also helps keep a balanced diet with enough fruits and vegetables, drinking water in quantities sufficient to prevent the saliva espesamimal alientoento and can not fulfill their duties. Following this, remember that all who follow the Atkins diet or an unbalanced diet that will take a breath pull back (the explanation is that the ketone bodies that are formed as a result of the use of fat for energy compounds are very volatile and with a very characteristic odor). Of course when I talk about fruit and vegetables do not include onions and garlic, "Whoever eats garlic talk down", nor should we forget some other foods like cheese and coffee are adhering to teeth and mucosa mouth, being an excellent raw material for bacteria to get spiked "putrificar" and the blessed release volatile sulfur compounds.
What about the "social services"? Because the alcohol dries the mucous membranes and alters the bacterial flora and odorous substances such as snuff contains nicotine which are impregnated in the mouth. Nothing can be arranged with a good toothbrush.
If you still keep a good hygiene and proper diet the problem persists, it's time to go to the dentist to rule out problems in the mouth, as a periodontitis. What if the dentist out any pathology? The appropriate approach is to go to the doctor to determine the cause and remove the most frequent pathologies according to the signs and symptoms of the disease besides the bad smell of breath. Again, we can go to much trouble for this consultation, but many times the bad breath is an excellent sign that guides us on various diseases, not in vain, we spent a career studying such things as "the smell of green apples diabetic ketoacidosis" "fetor liver, fetor uremic", recognizing the smell of a lung abscess in practices and a long etcetera.
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