Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Facebook also interested in acquiring BlackBerry

The social network would be interested in buying mobile devices division .

According to reports in The Wall Street Journal, Facebook is reportedly met with representatives of BlackBerry . The meeting with the company of Mark Zuckerberg would have been made with the primary intention of reaching a purchase offer for the division of smartphones.

For now, the U.S. media did not say too much about that meeting . That is, if necessarily imply a clear and direct intention of a transaction, or planning future projects between the two companies .

First was the Fairfax Financial Holdings investment group who submitted a bid , formally . Since there were other circumstances involved - no formal proposals - such as Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin , John Sculley or even Google and Samsung , among others.

The truth is that there is clarity about what will happen with BlackBerry , but must make a decision during the month of November. Finally, in terms of numbers refers BBM company hopes it can make a sale at a minimum of USD $ 4,000 million. Why trying to have your own cellphone company when your brand name facebook is everywhere on everycellphone? make no sense, oh well!

1 comment:

chili said...

why would facebook need Blackberry when really every cellphone in the world have facebook allready, maybe they trying to help out this cool cellphone to stay alive, I love blackberries and the world does but the smart phones are a problem for bb to function forever, I personally like this cellphone but it needs to have more features and be more faster to download and a much better camera of course