Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The secret to a much better life
Life as we know it is just a bunch of challenges or is it? we see happy people and sad people, and what we are or how we feel is up to us, we choose how we want to feel or we let others make us feel bad, happy or sad. We can control our reality when we attract what we want but also we have the power to attract what we don't want, when we think to much of the mistakes of the past we are literally wasting our present time, live the moment the way you would like your future to be and you will be ahead of a wonderfull life if you choose so. Success in business is one of those dreams that many wish to achieve and it is possible if you attract success with your mind.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
How to overcome the fear of public speaking
All human beings have fears that protect us from feelings or exposures that may be harmful. Many of these fears are necessary but others become a real limitation in life.
There are people who have to face when talking to a person, a superior or in public may feel real anguish, that paralyzes and prevents them from communicating, thus avoiding behaviors presents just such situations.
This looks natural, it has to do with that nobody likes being exposed to criticism or abuse. But usually we handle this, coming to accept that we can make mistakes or do not like people.
But some people have an irrational fear, and begin to isolate themselves to avoid being exposed to the suffering that is felt by them as a danger. Social phobia usually begins in childhood or adolescence.
The problem arises when this fear behind lies another, more painful it is camouflaged by this fear.
How to overcome the fear of public speaking
All human beings have fears that protect us from feelings or exposed suffering a particular type of phobia, social, feel that they are capable of behaving properly in public because they are plagued intense, irrational fear of feeling humiliated every time they have to talk to others, teach a class or attend a meeting with more than one person. Approximately 2% of all healthy people have or had behavior consistent with this disease
If it makes you feel when there is no real reason to justify it, or the fear is so intense that inhibits and encloses you, you must address to overcome this phobia from two perspectives: the reflexive, to dive into the root of fear, and behavioral to learn to give different responses to situations that provoke anxiety.
1 -Tracks within yourself what are the situations in which you will arise thoughts lead to anxiety. Watch them and detailed notes of these scenarios.
Analyze what is your position on them and have expectations. Compare them with the expectations that you assume that others have about you.
2- Take each of these contexts and seeks to discover what would be the actual degree of risk they contain. So find that, from a real but trivial detail, or even a fantasy, your phobia compels you to exaggerate the risk, always in your mind and never in reality. Check it, comparing the risks you've determined actual course expectations you had in the previous tip.
3- Perform these two exercises carefully you will be very useful to modify these behaviors. Decrease this catastrophic vision of your imagination resorting to humor, further exaggerating "catastrophic vision" and taking it to extremes you can provoke laughter.
4- Appeal to your memory, recalling scenes of yourself or others, which consider even or like you, lived such moments, nothing tragic happened and why.
5- Do not run from what scares you. Gambling, however, by a gradual improvement strategy, where every little experience will let you make the taste be moving steadily in its resolution.
6- Do not try to eliminate your anxiety but strengthen you deal with situations that provoke you. So every day you will gain more space for your self-esteem.
7- Aim every morning "challenge your phobia." Make a small action overcomes. Thus get favorably modify the relative strength of your phobia (until today, huge) and yourself (which you will grow in strength each day).
8- He says every day that you can achieve whatever you set out, and you just need to apply a little effort to realize your objectives progressive medium level.
9- It incorporates relaxation techniques and anxiety control, you can appeal to when you need them. Do not underestimate its power.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Using subliminal seduction to your advantage
Seduction is a powerful tool you can use to make a woman in your hands fall very naturally. Both men and women can do. And it comes down to mastering the art so that the principle can be applied to almost any situation.
The subliminal seduction is fairly subtle. One can also say that subliminal seduction is the art of seduction itself, but in secret. This means that it is done without too strong for comfort to the target. And it's very effective, especially when used with women.
To effectively use subliminal seduction in a woman, do the following:
1. Start by making a woman feel beautiful and special.
All women have a common weakness. And when her physical beauty is appreciated. As a man, do not be afraid to remind your wife that she is beautiful. If you do it when you already have a relationship with her, you will obtain a greater benefit and do grow that relationship. And if you've just met this woman, you should do it the right way, so you probably will not forget. It could even be the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
2. Do not be selfish.
If there is a common weakness in women, there is something common that away from you and that happens when they see that you're a complete selfish. Once she feels, will flee from you quite easily.
3. Do everything with complete confidence.
A man who knows what he's doing is far more seductive than a person who is not so sure. Women, even unconsciously, want a man to be guided. And this alone can give a man with confidence. So leave your fears behind and do everything you do in your daily life with confidence in yourself.
4. Use the power of words.
Sometimes, talking to a woman can seduce enough to make you want. You must know how to use your communication skills to sell yourself to the woman you want. And I mean to sell you to demonstrate your skills and abilities of your life stories, anecdotes, etc.. Here is the key to subtly sell.
5. Match the words with appropriate body language.
You always hear that actions speak louder than words. That is still true. And the powerful combination of words and actions delivered a message of seduction is huge. If you do go never let a woman anymore.
The subliminal seduction is an art worthy of being dominated. It applies only to love and relationship. Today, its use is everywhere, including in advertising. Surely, to do this you will be able to use the principle of subliminal seduction to your favor.
The subliminal seduction is fairly subtle. One can also say that subliminal seduction is the art of seduction itself, but in secret. This means that it is done without too strong for comfort to the target. And it's very effective, especially when used with women.
To effectively use subliminal seduction in a woman, do the following:
1. Start by making a woman feel beautiful and special.
All women have a common weakness. And when her physical beauty is appreciated. As a man, do not be afraid to remind your wife that she is beautiful. If you do it when you already have a relationship with her, you will obtain a greater benefit and do grow that relationship. And if you've just met this woman, you should do it the right way, so you probably will not forget. It could even be the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
2. Do not be selfish.
If there is a common weakness in women, there is something common that away from you and that happens when they see that you're a complete selfish. Once she feels, will flee from you quite easily.
3. Do everything with complete confidence.
A man who knows what he's doing is far more seductive than a person who is not so sure. Women, even unconsciously, want a man to be guided. And this alone can give a man with confidence. So leave your fears behind and do everything you do in your daily life with confidence in yourself.
4. Use the power of words.
Sometimes, talking to a woman can seduce enough to make you want. You must know how to use your communication skills to sell yourself to the woman you want. And I mean to sell you to demonstrate your skills and abilities of your life stories, anecdotes, etc.. Here is the key to subtly sell.
5. Match the words with appropriate body language.
You always hear that actions speak louder than words. That is still true. And the powerful combination of words and actions delivered a message of seduction is huge. If you do go never let a woman anymore.
The subliminal seduction is an art worthy of being dominated. It applies only to love and relationship. Today, its use is everywhere, including in advertising. Surely, to do this you will be able to use the principle of subliminal seduction to your favor.
Texting and driving, please DON'T
howmany times do you text and drive? maybe a 100 times a day or a few times a day? it don't matter, because one single time you are texting and driving it could be the last, I was thinking that most of the teens does text and drive but, I find out that also adults even old timers love to text, but ony a few of them text and drive, here is a video that could help us think twice of driving and texting:
Monday, April 16, 2012
How to take advantage on facebook timeline for business
Since last March 30 was made official on Facebook timeline for all fans of Facebook pages, while many users have taken to dislike having to migrate to this new aesthetic, we must say that in terms of image is very rewarding enterprise .
The cover image
Like the profile picture, this image can be used creatively. For example to place the panel on the campaign to be taken at the time, to promote a new product or simply to a text message in a different way. It is without doubt a way to customize the page giving you a different value. With this now we can leave the profile picture only for our logo.
They now have a better position highlighting in size and location. For example, before we were forced to use a maximum width of 520 pixels, we can now use up to 810 pixels and we do not have the menu on the left of the previous design, this helps to make a more horizontal and we miss having to make slides to scroll. The only downside is that we have no one to welcome pages, this letter served as a page and / or as an invitation to participate in a contest or event.
Featured Publications
You can give priority to some publications, giving the entire width of the page and not confused with others. The images are also posted better sized in comparison to those seen in the general of our Facebook wall.
As the Timeline itself is a timeline, we can add items or publications of events that occurred prior to the existence of Facebook. Coca-Cola is a great example, we can see even from stories set in the nineteenth century.
Recommendations for a good use of Facebook PagesLike any medium, you must create a strategy to give personality and a maintenance plan, but above all give measurable goals, either by number of likes, viral effects, number of visits, etc..Facebook pages can work for almost every kind of business, you only need to focus and not want to post anything.It is advisable not only post topics related to the product or service offered, for many this may sound ridiculous and fruitless but this medium is ideal for creating a relationship with your tastes in common consumer. For example, if you sell house paint could post an article related to techniques of painting or decoration fashion trends.As the number of publications per day or week will depend on many factors and our publishing plan, I have seen from those who post every 15 minutes anything other than just postean something every 15 days. It is advisable to publish only what is relevant or what generates loyalty, beyond the amount is about quality.The pictures always of good quality publication that is Facebook who the reduced and compressed.Naturally attracts followers from family and friends, asked to recommend the page to your contacts, after 1 or 2 months of this investment in online advertising.
Educate yourself well since the market find different costs per click and see how many fans want to accomplish with your investment. Remember that online advertising is cheaper and more focused than that offered by other traditional means.The difference in what you can do on Facebook vs. your website is on conversions, ie the number of comments and likes to get in each issue, and not only is the amount of visits you have but what people do and say in what you publish.Constantly reviewing what users say about what you post and respond in times of need.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The key to a flat stomach
The dream of all is to have a well-marked belly that look athletic, but I can assure you that despite this, chances are you have lost the hopes of having that belly dream, I'm sure you think that in order to achieve this would need to spend hours and hours in the gym, or maybe you think you're not in time to get it, none of that!, I can assure you that you can still have it, we all can do, even without going to the gym. Now see how we can achieve this goal.
We must start from the premise that work really well for our abdomen, you need to do it from all angles, ie, involving all the muscles that form, because it consists of several groups that move in different directions and combine their actions , depending on whether you are doing. So in your routine you should do exercises to work your upper abs, lower and oblique.
Another very important part, and perhaps the reason why most fail to see the results we hope is a good diet, balanced, containing foods from all food groups, it is also very important to keep a daily plan and be aware of how you are eating, and of course, one more ingredient to achieve the goal is the determination and perseverance.
To work your upper abs, crunches with arms outstretched applies: lie down on the floor on his back (you can use a mat or a yoga mat), extend your arms behind your head, keeping them near the ears and on the other hand; contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off the floor, directing your gaze to the ceiling. Keep your arms straight, avoid straining the neck, all the force concentrated in the abdomen. Slowly lower to starting position, do 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
To work your lower abs, apply squares: in the same position last year, put your hands under the buttocks to avoid arching your back, begin to elevate the legs slightly bent as if you touch the ceiling, and back slowly; contracts while the abdomen, the back do not touch the floor, and start exercising again. Perform 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
To work oblique crunch crossed applies: in the same position as above, and cross your legs raised together, you get your hands clasped behind his neck, raise your back, without straining the neck, pushing up in the abdomen, takes the elbow and right shoulder to left knee, return to starting position slowly and repeat the movement but the other side. Perform 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
Many times, our abdominal muscles are hidden under a thin layer of fat, so complete this routine with some aerobic exercise will help you achieve your goal sooner.
Turning to the supply side, the truth is that if you stick to a balanced diet will be difficult to achieve the objective, so here's a list of foods you should not ignore it sure can help you achieve:
Care for the use fat, use monounsaturated fats like that gives you olive oil or avocado.
Vegetables and fruits are highly recommended by the amount of fiber that we provide, help us to cleanse the body.
Yogurt is high in calcium, maintains balanced digestive health, reduces gas and swollen abdomen.
Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help speed up the metabolism and lower cholesterol.
Nuts as we help provide monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins that help increase muscle volume and help regulate appetite, which makes more we control what we eat and ultimately this helps reduce the abdomen.
Drink lots of water.
And finally, a simple trick that can help input to look a lot better, correct your posture, as recommended grannies, keep the abdomen contracted, shoulders raised and the neck straight, relaxed, immediately improve our figure. Trying to get your belly constantly throughout the day is much more effective to do thousands of crunches a day. Just try to be conscious of your posture several times during the day and you take care to touch up your lipstick, touch up your position.
We must start from the premise that work really well for our abdomen, you need to do it from all angles, ie, involving all the muscles that form, because it consists of several groups that move in different directions and combine their actions , depending on whether you are doing. So in your routine you should do exercises to work your upper abs, lower and oblique.
Another very important part, and perhaps the reason why most fail to see the results we hope is a good diet, balanced, containing foods from all food groups, it is also very important to keep a daily plan and be aware of how you are eating, and of course, one more ingredient to achieve the goal is the determination and perseverance.
To work your upper abs, crunches with arms outstretched applies: lie down on the floor on his back (you can use a mat or a yoga mat), extend your arms behind your head, keeping them near the ears and on the other hand; contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off the floor, directing your gaze to the ceiling. Keep your arms straight, avoid straining the neck, all the force concentrated in the abdomen. Slowly lower to starting position, do 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
To work your lower abs, apply squares: in the same position last year, put your hands under the buttocks to avoid arching your back, begin to elevate the legs slightly bent as if you touch the ceiling, and back slowly; contracts while the abdomen, the back do not touch the floor, and start exercising again. Perform 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
To work oblique crunch crossed applies: in the same position as above, and cross your legs raised together, you get your hands clasped behind his neck, raise your back, without straining the neck, pushing up in the abdomen, takes the elbow and right shoulder to left knee, return to starting position slowly and repeat the movement but the other side. Perform 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.
Many times, our abdominal muscles are hidden under a thin layer of fat, so complete this routine with some aerobic exercise will help you achieve your goal sooner.
Turning to the supply side, the truth is that if you stick to a balanced diet will be difficult to achieve the objective, so here's a list of foods you should not ignore it sure can help you achieve:
Care for the use fat, use monounsaturated fats like that gives you olive oil or avocado.
Vegetables and fruits are highly recommended by the amount of fiber that we provide, help us to cleanse the body.
Yogurt is high in calcium, maintains balanced digestive health, reduces gas and swollen abdomen.
Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help speed up the metabolism and lower cholesterol.
Nuts as we help provide monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins that help increase muscle volume and help regulate appetite, which makes more we control what we eat and ultimately this helps reduce the abdomen.
Drink lots of water.
And finally, a simple trick that can help input to look a lot better, correct your posture, as recommended grannies, keep the abdomen contracted, shoulders raised and the neck straight, relaxed, immediately improve our figure. Trying to get your belly constantly throughout the day is much more effective to do thousands of crunches a day. Just try to be conscious of your posture several times during the day and you take care to touch up your lipstick, touch up your position.
Justin Bieber in trouble for joke in twitter
A joke that made Justin Bieber could bring legal issues to Canadian singer of 18 years of age.
According to information from the celebrity website TMZ, the young man posted on his Twitter account, which has 19 million fans, an incomplete telephone number with the message "call me now."
The number published was only nine digits, so that fans of the singer turned to guess the missing digit.
So the fans started to call random phone numbers. A woman named Dilcie and a man named Kent say they were inundated with phone calls from fans of the singer who hoped to talk to him.
After getting thousands of calls every day, those affected now decided to sue and his lawyer said seeking compensation for damage suffered.
Dilcie expected to give away tickets Bieber gig, so your grandchildren can see it, an apology from the singer or money for any expenses that arose following his joke.
Although the text was deleted shortly thereafter, two Texans phone lines were affected.
The press office of Justin Bieber has not responded to calls from the press to know their position on the joke. The Canadian performer opens this week her single "Boyfriend", which, according to EFE, yields to the influence of his namesake Justin Timberlake.
"It's a different sound and I want to be able to create my own," he said in an interview earlier this year.
On Twitter, Justin Bieber is the world's second most popular sons 19 million followers, behind American singer Lady Gaga.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Limbaugh called 'prostitute' to a woman, trademarks remove support
The conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh today offered an apology to the Fluke law student Sandra, whom he called prostitute for wanting to defend before the Senate that health insurance should cover birth control.
"The choice of my words was not the best, trying to be funny was created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Miss Fluke," said Limbaugh, known for its conservative stance, on its website.
Noting that this has been a tiny error, because "for over 20 years I have illustrated the absurdity with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week", the controversial radio host insisted Fluke tried to make their preferences sex before Congress.
"I think it's absolutely absurd that in these difficult political times discuss sexual recreation to the congressmen," he said.
The day before, the law student at Georgetown University attempted to put her claim before the Congress, Republican majority, the need for insurance cover methods of contraception.
According to the student, one of her colleagues had to remove a ovary, after his insurance-linked to a religious university, refused to pay for contraceptives to treat a cyst.
Due to the controversy, U.S. President Barack Obama called Fluke in solidarity and to express their indignation at the offense of Limbaugh.
But not everything was there. This Monday marks supporting the Limbaugh radio show, began to withdraw from the program's advertising shoot, showing their disagreement with the words of the driver.
So far, eight sponsors who stopped supporting Limbaugh emissions. One of the most important was AOL. The company spokeswoman, Caroline Campbell, said Limbaugh's comments "are not aligned with our values." ProFlowers, a flower delivery company, Quicken Loans and Sleep Numbers are other companies that went away.
"The choice of my words was not the best, trying to be funny was created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Miss Fluke," said Limbaugh, known for its conservative stance, on its website.
Noting that this has been a tiny error, because "for over 20 years I have illustrated the absurdity with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week", the controversial radio host insisted Fluke tried to make their preferences sex before Congress.
"I think it's absolutely absurd that in these difficult political times discuss sexual recreation to the congressmen," he said.
The day before, the law student at Georgetown University attempted to put her claim before the Congress, Republican majority, the need for insurance cover methods of contraception.
According to the student, one of her colleagues had to remove a ovary, after his insurance-linked to a religious university, refused to pay for contraceptives to treat a cyst.
Due to the controversy, U.S. President Barack Obama called Fluke in solidarity and to express their indignation at the offense of Limbaugh.
But not everything was there. This Monday marks supporting the Limbaugh radio show, began to withdraw from the program's advertising shoot, showing their disagreement with the words of the driver.
So far, eight sponsors who stopped supporting Limbaugh emissions. One of the most important was AOL. The company spokeswoman, Caroline Campbell, said Limbaugh's comments "are not aligned with our values." ProFlowers, a flower delivery company, Quicken Loans and Sleep Numbers are other companies that went away.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The Power of Your Imagination to Manifest Money, Abundance and Love
Another extremely powerful tool you have is your imagination. Your imagination allows you to fantasize, daydream, visualize and live your dreams. DaBen Orin and say "your imagination is more powerful than you think. It is the closest link to your soul. It is not subject to your programs of the past, beliefs or fears. Imagination was given to you can transcend your physical world. It provides you the ability to step out of your personal limits and unleash your greatest potential. Your imagination can travel to any world or dimension ... "
As an artist, I never stopped using my imagination since my childhood and I know how powerful it is. What I do is sit and use all the senses in my imagination, making the scene as real as I can. I really see myself in my mind's eye doing or having what I want and "hear" people talking and the sun shines and warms my skin really. I represent in my mind until I can almost touch it - it's so real!
If we speak of act, learn to act like children do, like you did when you were a kid / a. Children are always using their imagination, inventing imaginary people and scenarios, playing make-believe. This is truly a very powerful, a very important part of creation. We can achieve much through play.
"Creating Money" says, "if you can not believe it is possible, then do not have." It's that simple. If you are not very visual in your visualizations and fantasies, I have learned to use your feelings is also effective. Not attract anything unless you can see it in your mind or feel it. First you must believe it is possible, then see or feel is happening. Using your imagination in this way, visualizing, daydreaming with all your senses put in it, you create exactly what you want. Been doing this forever, do it now by the way!
It boosts the power and energy of your thoughts to money and wealth manfestar reprogramming your mind
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As an artist, I never stopped using my imagination since my childhood and I know how powerful it is. What I do is sit and use all the senses in my imagination, making the scene as real as I can. I really see myself in my mind's eye doing or having what I want and "hear" people talking and the sun shines and warms my skin really. I represent in my mind until I can almost touch it - it's so real!
If we speak of act, learn to act like children do, like you did when you were a kid / a. Children are always using their imagination, inventing imaginary people and scenarios, playing make-believe. This is truly a very powerful, a very important part of creation. We can achieve much through play.
"Creating Money" says, "if you can not believe it is possible, then do not have." It's that simple. If you are not very visual in your visualizations and fantasies, I have learned to use your feelings is also effective. Not attract anything unless you can see it in your mind or feel it. First you must believe it is possible, then see or feel is happening. Using your imagination in this way, visualizing, daydreaming with all your senses put in it, you create exactly what you want. Been doing this forever, do it now by the way!
It boosts the power and energy of your thoughts to money and wealth manfestar reprogramming your mind
Click here for more information
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Secrets to develop video games
Any person who loves video games have entertained the idea of engaging in the creative process to be part of them at some point in their lives. After all, they say you have to work at what you love to not have to work a single day, and the idea of designing interactive experiences definitely looks more interesting, for us gamers, than making accounts, dealing with law or philosophy for the rest of the days.
Today the scene of creation of electronic entertainment has greatly professionalized and takes more than desire and wishes to become part of it, especially considering that Latin America are taking their first steps into the industry so that there is no predetermined path to follow.
Now, the above is not an absolute mess and the handful of specialists deployed in our geographical region share certain tips that will brighten the horizon to those who are considering the race of the pixels, the share in the next lines.
Know the facts
Before you even see one of the many fields related to the gaming world, it pays to demystify some of the most common and mistaken notions about what it means to be a developer. Yes, indeed, can be a fun and rewarding, but is primarily a job and as such, represents obligations and highly demanding work regime ... perhaps more demanding than other professions.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Jim Carrey's daughter on "American Idol" as any other applicant
"American Idol" had a special broadcast Sunday night auditions. This round was held in San Diego, California. That was Jane Erin Carrey stop, the daughter of Jim Carrey. When 24 year old girl appeared before the panel of judges, they knew who she was. Jennifer Lopez reminded her of the days it was a 'Fly Girl' on "Living Colour", where his father got his start in comedy. She admitted to not remembering Lopez because "I think it was about two years old" when he visited the forum of the very popular comedy in the early 90's.
When I saw his photo, I thought it was Miley Cyrus. She has a beautiful voice, but nothing special, but the judges said "We want more than they can offer" and send it to Hollywood. She said that having a famous father is as good as bad because the obligation to do more to demonstrate that she has talent.
Do you think Jane took advantage of his father?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Impact on closing Megaupload

After the massive protests that took place on Web January 18 in protest to the advancement of SOPA laws and PIPA, came the news of an intervention by the FBI and the Department of Justice United States against the storage service of Megaupload website. As Max told here, its founder Kim Dotcom and six of his employees were arrested in the process. The short time interval between SOPA and the protest against the disappearance of PIPA and Megaupload almost impossible to think of an accident. This has seen as a retaliation by the U.S. authorities, but as I said on another occasion, the Web knows how to strike back.
Slowly, some of the sites attacked have recovered its normal operating state, but others are fallen, or were temporarily disabled by your administrators
This time, the Anonymous group launched the largest attack since their existence is recorded. According to the channels of the group (primarily via Twitter), more than five thousand users are armed with the famous "Low Orbit Ion Cannon", carrying out attacks against high-profile sites. The sites of the Department of Justice, the Universal Music Group and the RIAA have been among the first to fall. Then other targets have been added as the site of the "Broadcast Music Inc.", the MPAA, the portal for Warner Music, Viacom, the website of the French Hadopi, Intellectual Property Office of the United States, and for some minutes also FBI dropped the page. There was talk that the White House site could also be a potential target, but no data have been his downfall yet. Until we can ascertain, the sites of BMI, the FBI and the MPAA, the Intellectual Property Office and the Department of Justice and were in line, while the RIAA, Warner and UMG are still down.

Anonymous has said that "there is more on the way", but guess that will be fulfilled on both sides. The FBI quickly published information about the operation against Megaupload, including specific details of the detained goods. However, one thing remains unchanged: Beyond the arrests and interventions, all this must be prove, and should reach the court that are required to define at what point Megaupload is part of a conspiracy to violate copyright commercial purposes, as the rest of its functions (offering online space, place advertisements and sell special service subscriptions) are perfectly legal. At the same time, this reminds us of the conflict between Viacom and YouTube, a case that lasted more than three years and finally concluded in favor of the video site, although the government says that Megaupload does not qualify as a service that can be protected the concept of "safe harbor" of the DMCA, because in theory, who operated on Megaupload were aware of illegal content on the service and did nothing to remove. Of course, the FBI didn't went to Mountain View to arrest anyone...
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hackerspace Global Grid: A network of satellites to bypass censorship on the Internet

With the law SOUP fluttering in the vast corridors of the U.S. Senate and lobby for its passage suggestively caressing the pocket of many of the protagonists of the debate, the community of security experts continues to discuss and predict what the state of the network in the case that this law is applied and leave others in the future may be even worse. Freedom and privacy are values that can not be defiled, and the Chaos Communication Congress was interesting announcements at the censorship action. One of the most outstanding was the one who starred in called hackerspaces Global Grid, which expressed the intention to strengthen fundraising, research and community work to send a satellite into space and start a global satellite network that is an alternative to the Internet controlled by the powerful and their censors.
Collection stations would function as signal-geographical area - Global Grid hackerspaces capture stations as officials said geographic area-
Carrying several months of development ahead, the project hackerspaces Global Grid, will try, as in the past others have done so enthusiastic amateur, put several satellites in space through a service that the ground control without the need for constant presence of "owner" of the satellite. With this overhead, the idea is to create a communication network that is outside the territorial control of the intervening agencies, and users would connect to it through low-cost small stations that could be sold non-profit (100 ideal as a stop euros) or could even be built by the user. By partnering with the GPS satellite network, these stations will identify the satellite generating the appropriate feedback to surf the net without concerns about privacy and freedom of action. Mr. Bauer, a man in charge of the project, announced that the plan is to present 3 prototypes for half of 2012, and hopefully show the community in the next Chaos Communication Congress.
Bauer is a highly respected expert and leader in the community that will support this project. - Global Grid hackerspaces Bauer is a highly respected expert and leader in the community that will support this project.
While the project is feasible because it is not the first time a group of this kind send satellites into space (although these dimensions and integration with other projects, such as Constellation), technical difficulties as the amount of time may be operating these satellites, geolocation and efficiency, the possibility of repair and delays in the transfer of information because it would not count on such advanced technology. In addition to needing money to do so, the community of security experts and will require working together, because for 23 years in planning to launch the first computer to the moon, but that's another story.
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