Ladies and gentlemen, we can say without doubt that it wasinevitable. More and more online games that take a free profile, using microtransactions to finance it. We recently mentioned thatTeam Fortress 2 took the path of F2P, but now would be the turn of the most popular MMORPG on the Web, World of Warcraft. Still, we want to draw attention to the quotes in the word free, as there are some details to consider. The last measurement made during the March to World of Warcraftstood with a base of 11.4 million players. That number has been higher in the past, but still remains the most popular online game inthe world. World of Warcraft was originally released in November2004 but came into the EU in February next year. World of Warcrafthas had three expansions, and was announced fourth, with name,release date and plot to be determined. With this new wave of online games that adopt a business model based on microtransactions, it has been speculating in recent months after nearly seven years in operation, would be a good time for World of Warcraft is free again, with in order to dramatically expand its number of users.
According to a recent announcement, it appears that day hasarrived, but the truth is you have to take the news with a smallclamp. World of Warcraft will have a F2P mode, albeit with certainlimitations. First, players may reach a maximum free level 20characters for all who believe. Then, they will have the opportunity to join a guild, and can carry ten gold coins as a stopper. On the other hand, no time limits, and a player can make all the charactersyou want. The sense of the word "free" this far and anyone whowishes to go beyond these restrictions, you must buy the game.
This news comes before the changes made by other games such as Team Fortress 2. According to some reports that have circulated the web, play Valve tripled its user base in less than 48hours, something spectacular where you look. The more users, the more likely to tempt them to invest their money in the game. If themove by Blizzard to bring World of Warcraft to a F2P model seemsa bit cold in comparison, because the truth indicates no need so much. With more than eleven million customers in its ranks faithfullypaying their monthly fee, the idea of fighting for selling arms and equipment in the game does not seem so attractive, but any number may drop over time.
1 comment:
Yeah it has to be free or the gamers might find a different game that is free, I don't like World of Warcraft personally is to dark for me :)
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