The time that needed a minute to load a page is far from reality. The broadband connections have replaced the modem and browsing speed has increased dramatically. We may not have even the information highway but a paved road, at least, yes.
However, this advantage can ruin because of the wide variety of reasons, from websites to heavy and poorly timed bit applications optimized for your connection, to failures in auxiliary services such as DNS.
Do you also your connection is slower than usual? Do not despair, man. Whatever your problem, we give you ten tips for faster browsing. Fixed that one will work.
0. First things first: measure the speed of your connection
The wind blows more or less strong, the connection seems more or less rapid ... It all starts with a sensation. However, nothing beats a reliable measurement to know for sure what's wrong with your connection. Use a speedometer to know how fast Internet data low.
We recommend BASP, JDast or one of many tests speed Internet connection available, as Velocimetro.org, TestdeVelocidad or test the association of Internet users.
If the speed is lower than expected, there may be several causes: the failure of your central communications operator, problems with your router, and so on. Open an issue with your carrier is only part of the solution. Here we will discuss what is in your hand.
1. Change your DNS for a faster (OpenDNS, Google DNS ...)
When you write the address of a web page, the browser first contacts the DNS server for the IP address corresponding to the machine serving the pages. If for some reason the DNS servers fail or were subjected to heavy loads, the connection would suffer immediately.
To avoid this problem, change the DNS servers by hand or using tools such as DNS or DNS Jumper Benchmark, which allow you to find and activate the DNS faster for your line. How about some easy to remember DNS? The Google: and
2. Compresses the pages with Opera Turbo or fasTun
Today, a website can weigh up to one megabyte. If your connection is not able to digest this volume of data, arm yourself with patience ... or use a web compressor. The Opera browser includes one since version 10. Opera is called Turbo.
Opera Turbo
Turbo Opera loads pages through its servers, having compressed the images and other heavy elements. The result is a much faster loading of pages, at the expense of visual quality and sometimes functionality.
And if you use another browser? Then try fasTun, a service that not only compresses images and HTML, but also provides partial anonymity by hiding your IP number.
3. Proxify clean pages with your browser or modify them
Compression is a powerful option, but it affects the quality of the pages. If you load a page without certain items, such as advertising or scripts, there are many anonymous proxies which will be of great utility. The most interesting is Proxify, which ensures speed and privacy. Another similar is The Cloak.
You can get something similar disabling the loading of images, animations and scripts in your browser settings, or through extensions such as NoScript, AdBlock Plus or FlashBlock.
4. Become going through a mobile phone
Many sites have mobile versions that take less time to load without sacrificing the core functionality. To "trick" into thinking that your computer is a mobile, use the User-Agent Switcher extension (also for Chrome). Choose iPhone or other options to change their identity.
User-Agent Switcher
Another way to navigate style is to use Google Mobile Transcoder or MOWSE. Both services tailored websites to be loaded on mobile first-generation (to be clear, yet those who sail WAP). The result is ... austere.
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