We usually at this time on every near christmas eve we struggle to find the right ecards online since most of them are free, but then we find that most of this free ecard sites have lots of banners that I don't think our receivers will like to see, so I made a research and I found this cool site with less banners or no banners it all
Beware of www.meme4u.com is an ecard site but it will force you not just to go to their sponsors but literally take over your browser.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How to know if you have Alzheimer's
A group of Finnish researchers have discovered a new system to detect Alzheimer's disease at an early stage by a simple blood test, which could allow the disease diagnosed several years before symptoms appear.
As reported in today's Technology Research Centre of Finland (VTT), scientists at the agency and the University of Eastern Finland have found that Alzheimer's is preceded by a "molecular signature" consisting of three metabolites (molecules produced during metabolism).
The study, published in the journal "Translational Psychiatry" suggests that the detection of these biomarkers in the blood can distinguish between people with mild memory problems and those that are in early stages of dementia.
Thus, a simple blood test would help identify patients at high risk of developing Alzheimer's, so that preventive measures could be taken to slow or even prevent the onset of the disease.
To develop the clinical work, the team of Finnish scientists analyzed more than two years for blood samples from 226 elderly, of whom 46 were healthy, 37 had Alzheimer's and 143 suffered mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a stage prior to the dementia.
Once the follow-up period, 52 of the 143 patients with MCI had developed Alzheimer's.
Analysis of blood plasma of these old revealed that he had changed the chemical composition of their blood, a sign of changes in the brain.
"To establish the pathogenic relevance of this type of predictive biomarkers may not only facilitate early diagnosis, but can also help identify new therapeutic avenues," say the authors, led by Professor Matej Oresic.
According Oresic, research on these chemicals and their relation to the development of Alzheimer's could help create new drugs to fight the disease.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Historical hero or a liar?

Mitsubishi presents its interface EMIRAI vehicular

On Sunday December 11 ended the 42nd edition of the famous Tokyo Motor Show, with the presence of more than 840 000 people in its eight-day for the general public. We had seen some of the new Nissan Pivo through 3, but this time, our attention is accusing people of Mitsubishi. No doubt we could have hoped for a complete vehicle from them, but what they offered in the exhibition was a concept that has the potential to become the default vehicle interface a lot of electric cars ... between now and ten years if all goes well. His name is EMIRAI, and if for some reason you thought that high-definition projection and tactile interfaces have no place in a car, better take a closer look.
As if that were not enough, EMIRAI can also serve as personal information system for the driver, reporting useful data on the health of it, including heart rate. The information is not limited only to those leads, but the other passengers can also access such data through the screens mounted in the back seat. According to Mitsubishi, they can make suggestions on different types of technologies, but the key is to demonstrate to manufacturers how these technologies can be used and applied in different vehicles. While EMIRAI interface is approximately a decade away, imagine what is to come between EMIRAI and interfaces today.
Source: GizMag
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Gordon: Supercomputer with SSD

It is without doubt a vicious circle. Solid state disks have shown benefits in terms of speed and power consumption, but the main barrier to their widespread adoption is still the price. And the price drops, we need cheaper manufacturing methods ... but also an increase in demand. With the prospect of hard drives affected by floods in Thailand, the feeling that "this" is the time for the SSD can be detected almost everywhere. In lieu of a general change of platform, the installation of a SSD is becoming a logical choice to upgrade our systems. And if that happens on desktop computers and laptops, why can not pass between servers and supercomputers?
People Supercomputer Center San Diego recently announced that it has put online to Gordon, a supercomputer that is already ranked 48 of the known list of "Top 500". This is a monster of 16,384 cores, 64 terabytes of RAM, four petabytes of storage space, and what brings us here today, 300 terabytes of solid state storage, thanks to the installation of a total of 1.024 units of Intel 710 high performance and 300 GB each. This space will allow users to access databases up to ten times faster than they would if they were stored on hard drives.
Gordon (named by Flash Gordon) has faster read / write of 200 gigabytes per second. As expected, the cost of Gordon has been quite high, about $ 20 million to be precise, but more than a thousand SSDs inside, and a theoretical maximum of 280 Teraflops, it seems money well assigned. Michael Norman, director of the Center in San Diego, stated forcefully that "double the amount of information generated every year," and the current systems are already "overwhelmed." Personally, I hope the presence of the SSD from supercomputers to increase. Not only increase the performance of these systems, but also stimulate demand in the market. And we want SSD cheap, there's no doubt.
Men in Black 3 (Trailer)
Although you can find one or two setbacks in his career, and often criticism has not been favorable, in general everything that depends on a Will Smith ends his adventure starring role in film far above the original budget. Technically it works since 2008, but we must not forget that it was the producer of the remake of Karate Kid, film that starred his son Jaden. His immediate projects place him as a producer of "This Means War", a tale of two CIA agents fighting for the same woman, but his return with all the letters to the card will be through one of the roles that originally catapulted to success. Ladies and Gentlemen, Agent J will return to the adventures with Agent K in Men In Black 3.
On the plot ... what we know. J Agent K Agent discovers that is not anywhere, and colleagues at the Agency reported as dead ... forty years ago. Apparently this is the work of bad guy named Yaz, since the death of Agent K can achieve the destruction of planet Earth. In an attempt to put things in order, Agent J must travel back in time, more precisely to 1969, to save both the younger version of K and Earth. As the trailer shows the mean time travel jump Chrysler Building, which if my memory goes up to 320 meters high.
The fact of creating a sequel nearly ten years after the last film may seem strange to some, but the truth is that Hollywood is little or no interest these "spaces" (no better example than Tron: Legacy), and probably are a way to tap into if necessary, be it comic books, sequels, or other special material. J Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and K, Rip Torn as Zed, Emma Thompson as Agent O, and the New Zealand comic Jemaine Clement as Yaz represent the main elements that will shape MIB 3, with the return of Barry Sonnenfeld to direction (he was the director of the two previous MIB) and Steven Spielberg production. The release date is agreed upon May 25, 2012.
MorpHex: Robot hexapod spherical

To Halvorsen was a year with much less time than I imagined, so that the development of MorpHex had some white space, but recently released a new video pieces hexapod integrating its spherical shape. The precision of movement is not only formidable, but for a moment that will cross your mind an image of a crab.
As Halvorsen announces it in the two videos, the MorpHex is not complete, since its function has yet to get rolling, but if there is no technical shock, should be only a matter of time. Now, I can not think of a scaled version of the MorpHex, designed to explore complex terrain, or why not, on board a rocket on a scouting mission to Mars within a few years. According to what we have seen so far, the MorpHex is a one man operation (beyond some acknowledgments at the end of each video), which makes this even more fascinating spherical hexapod. Definitely expect more news on this robot.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
You don't need motivational speakers, you need yourself
It is a shame people need others to keep themselfs motivated whithout knowing that the best motivational speaker is within themselves, yes motivational speakers can keep you motivated but just for the moment unless is with you 24/7 (that only if we use common sense)
Monday, December 5, 2011
50 or more things that you can do with an ipad 2
Read the Holy Bible and other books, check the calendar, check the sports and news, play video games, learn stuff, learn to cook with recepits, play the piano like the real stuff or the real deal, watch movies, listen to music, use the calculator, make phone calls? WOW, make notes, play ping pong with 2 users at the same time, use GPS while you travel, check stocks at the stock market, show pictures of your family and friends, paint, read books(oh yeah I already mention that hehe) but there should be more than 50 things todo with an ipad 2 or ipad 3 or the next so is almost endless...
Friday, December 2, 2011
Companies keep taking me to facebook
The other day I wanted to purchase my favorite mp3 player and so I saw a banner on youtube about it and so I wanted to purchase this product and they said if I said "I like" the product on facebook I would get a rebate, but I can careless about a rebate since those rebates are on their websites anyways and or I can find them at the local store, what the f... is wrong with this companies? they think that we are stupid or something? I mean yes if I can only get the rebate through facebook then I understand but if I go to the store and see that the rebate can still work if you buy their products from their local stores then why do I need some annyoing adverstising on my facebook account? yeah ok and so I did purchase their product from the local store, I have some similar sites promoting their product through facebook which I understand but guys WE WANT TO PURCHSE YOUR PRODUCT TODAY not being your amigo on facebook, I have enough companies trying to get through my facebook account just to sale me things :)
galaxy x 11 keeps trying to taking me to their facebook account when I just wanted to see the phone only, what is the deal here?? ok I get it they wanted me on their facebook account so they can shower me me in the future with maybe some junk from other companies? not today pal :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Oh come on trooper im a Sheriff
Come on trooper don't do this, that is what the Sheriff say to the good state police man that stop him and arrest him for DWI, we need good cops like this state trooper
Thursday, November 17, 2011
From porn star to own a football team

Triple-X actress Soccer Traders. Klaris Leone, famous porn star of Czech football is a passionate and as such seeks to establish his own club, which is called Inter Prague, in honor of his love for Inter Milan.
"I love my career in pornography, but I've always dreamed of having my own football club, it would give me even more fame.
"I'm sure my fans will be interested in my team. Today there are many women in the world of football," said the model.
In this way, Leone joins his fellow Austrian, Sybil Danning, who in early November wished to invest in Sheffield Wednesday of the Third Division in England.
"I've been thinking about buying an English team with a strong passion and great potential. Sheffield Wednesday meet those ideals," said the native of Upper Austria, in remarks echoed by the Daily Mail
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fighting depression with exercise
Today the problems related to mental health have worsened dramatically, several studies made in this regard. According to statistics, mental illness have a high incidence in adults. Many of these problems are directly related to stress, anxiety and depression.
Psychotherapy is supplemented with medication most commonly used traditional methods to address these problems. However, these treatments can have long periods of time and the medication used generally has undesirable side effects.
A non-traditional techniques is physical exercise and sport. Exercising can become an effective second-line treatment for patients with depression who have been cured with drugs, say scientists at the Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center of Texas in collaboration with the Cooper Institute of Dallas in an investigation four years, which is published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Similarly, other researchers have come to the conclusion that exercise is an important factor for the onset of symptoms of depression. In addition, exercise and sports can be an excellent alternative to aid in treatment with traditional therapies.
For many of these experts, moderate exercise provides a benefit equal to the emotional level of vigorous exercise, with the latter produces an opposite effect on many people by increasing the tension, fatigue and problems of character.
Scientists say there is a relationship between increased physical activity and decreased level of depression. It has been shown that "mental functioning is a physiological and you can not disconnect from the physical and social functioning ..." (WHO, 1993).
Therefore, the benefits to exercise include:
• Reduction of anxiety
• Reduction of depression and neurosis
• Reduce stress levels
• Helps in the treatment of severe depression
• psychological benefits everyone
As we can see, physical activity produces a remarkable mental and psychological improvement, leading to improved self-esteem and benefiting physical problems such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and various psychiatric disorders.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Anonymous posted and publish the IP addresses of nearly 200 alleged pedophiles

To do this, and as part of Operation Darknet, the group collaborated with members of the Mozilla Foundation to create a false update a plugin for the private network Tor. Thus, during 24 hours collected information about the users involved. The variation in the Tor plugin, led the user to a server controlled by Anonymous keep a register of IP addresses and entering your destination.
In a statement, Anonymous said it will release IP addresses of these alleged pedophiles, which correspond mostly to the United States, but which also find several located in Latin America and Europe.
A new step in the crusade against pedophiles group, which will hopefully move on thwarting more servers, sites and users related to child pornography.
Source: http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2011/11/anonymous-collects-publishes-ip-addresses-of-alleged-pedophiles.ars
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
LM92 thermometer in Android (App Inventor)
In this article, we will see how to control temperatures remotely via a Bluetooth link and how to receive events from remote activation of two buttons on our phone with Android. The versatility give us the integrated sensors such as LM92, combined with the practicality of any environment with a mobile device Android, lead us to devise items that previously relied on to carry a laptop wherever necessary to control and / or register events or conditions of work of a machine, an environment or any environment "that must be controlled." Today, thanks to Android, App Inventor to an elementary hardware and built around a 18F25K20 can control all this and more from the comfort of your mobile device.
In previous articles we could see everything necessary to achieve a link between your mobile device, equipped with Android, and a simple circuit based on a PIC, the powerful 18F25K20 that, thanks to the use of free software Amicus allowed us to receive instructions and data sent from your mobile device. The application, however simple it was, allowed us to achieve a "Hello World" LED lighting a distance. Of course that kicked off the excitement created us to try the backward, ie, transmitting to the device with Android, data generated in our test circuit. Addition of two buttons, we have included in this work a temperature sensor to receive additional data that distance adds more complexity to work, but it serves to imagine that we can exercise total control over a remote computer. That is, we show the potential of comfort that we can achieve, let alone laptops that were once the kings of the field work. Today, Android comes to occupy that place and that everything is easier, faster and convenient than before. Applications can now be developed in unusual areas. What you see in picture is the application that we have been developing for some items behind, with the benefit of receiving information in the mobile device from our circuit with microcontroller. Remember that you can use any microcontroller and any programming language, for convenience we use the PIC 18F25K20, but these examples can be transferred to any microcontroller. In this particular development, we read with two keys and the data string that sends the integrated thermometer LM92 to be presented on the screen of your mobile device. So far, our work is built on the App Inventor events press a button and it will continue with actions that were presented on the screen of mobile and data sent via Bluetooth to our remote development. These events occurred at a time in which "we decided to perform the action" and the pic looked HSERIN instruction to receive the data, interpret and execute the work according to the structure of the data sent. Now, it is our Android phone that should be listening and attentive, permanently, waiting for instructions or data that the PIC can send at any time HSEROUT command. It is very important to understand this: field application can send data at any time and Android should be alert always.
In previous articles we could see everything necessary to achieve a link between your mobile device, equipped with Android, and a simple circuit based on a PIC, the powerful 18F25K20 that, thanks to the use of free software Amicus allowed us to receive instructions and data sent from your mobile device. The application, however simple it was, allowed us to achieve a "Hello World" LED lighting a distance. Of course that kicked off the excitement created us to try the backward, ie, transmitting to the device with Android, data generated in our test circuit. Addition of two buttons, we have included in this work a temperature sensor to receive additional data that distance adds more complexity to work, but it serves to imagine that we can exercise total control over a remote computer. That is, we show the potential of comfort that we can achieve, let alone laptops that were once the kings of the field work. Today, Android comes to occupy that place and that everything is easier, faster and convenient than before. Applications can now be developed in unusual areas. What you see in picture is the application that we have been developing for some items behind, with the benefit of receiving information in the mobile device from our circuit with microcontroller. Remember that you can use any microcontroller and any programming language, for convenience we use the PIC 18F25K20, but these examples can be transferred to any microcontroller. In this particular development, we read with two keys and the data string that sends the integrated thermometer LM92 to be presented on the screen of your mobile device. So far, our work is built on the App Inventor events press a button and it will continue with actions that were presented on the screen of mobile and data sent via Bluetooth to our remote development. These events occurred at a time in which "we decided to perform the action" and the pic looked HSERIN instruction to receive the data, interpret and execute the work according to the structure of the data sent. Now, it is our Android phone that should be listening and attentive, permanently, waiting for instructions or data that the PIC can send at any time HSEROUT command. It is very important to understand this: field application can send data at any time and Android should be alert always.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Warca: Shoot a camera, not a gun (video)
WARC is an FPS game set in the war in the Middle East and North Africa. So far nothing unusual. The interesting thing is that they interpret a single soldier in combat, but a journalist only be equipped with a camera. A FPS where you do not shoot any firearm? Better yet, just keep reading.
Today it is common to find games based on war FPS like Call of Duty or Battlefield, where the command of a soldier to fulfill different objectives throughout the game pitted against other soldiers and terrorists. What is not normal is that in a game of this style controls to a reporter instead of firing a gun, put shooting. And this is what gives us WARC, which tells the story of Jesse DeMarco, a journalist who must take photos in the conflict that will travel throughout the game.
The idea of the game is that players achieve real-world experience of war journalism through the process of filming the conflict to enter into different risk situations equipped with a camera. As we move forward, the scenarios will from action packed to quieter moments where we talk with our colleagues on developments.
The game has the support of the Australian journalist and filmmaker Tony Maniaty Robert Connolly, who directed the film Balibo, a political thriller about the deaths of Australian journalists during a conflict in East Timor in 1975.
Graphically the game can see that developing still lacking polish some specifics, such as the effects of fire and light. Being developed for four months and Defiant Development Brisbane, WARC is currently in the process of letting us find a distributor in doubt about your departure date and for which platform will be available. What do you think of the idea?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bonsai solar to recharge mobile devices
A few days ago the famous French designer Vivien Muller Electree announced it has developed an interesting device designed to recharge the batteries of mobile electronic devices. As expected, it is a device in which the design has been extremely careful and look beyond the strictly functional. Instead of building a nondescript rectangular solar charger, like the hundreds that can be found in stores, Vivien was "inspired" in the form of trees.
"The inspiration for design came to me while watching Electree trees. The leaves of the trees are real natural solar panels," explains Muller. "Therefore, the shape of the tree is the best way to harness solar energy." That was the reason that the charger looks like a small bonsai composed of 27 small solar panels that double-leaf. Mounted on supports (the "branches" of the tree), each panel can rotate freely, which allows the user to create an unlimited number of ways. "I wanted Electree is a product to be used inside, so that the aspect of bonsai that I thought was best," says the French designer.
The first 400 units sold will be numbered.
The Electree is about 40 inches high and provides a few hundred mAh if all its panels are directly illuminated by the Sun, which is quite difficult to get inside a home or office. The energy is stored in a battery that has at its base and sent to devices charged via a USB connector. Some of your gadgets require an adapter to be connected to this source of energy. Anyway, you still can not go to the store and take one home, they have not begun to be produced. The designer has enabled the option to make a "pre-purchase" online (paying 299 euros, by the way) and when production begins thousand orders. The first 400 units sold will be numbered and accompanied by a certificate signed by Vivien Muller, with shipping charges on account of the manufacturer.
While this is a pretty useful product and does not seem to be strictly "original". Not long ago we saw a young student as more than shocked to discover that a scientist if you have solar panels in the same way that the leaves of trees can significantly increase the production of electricity. Muller solar charger seems to be simply a nice implementation of this principle, but with the disadvantage of being thought of as an ornament for indoors, a site that usually sunlight often reach only a few hours . Despite these drawbacks, you may find 1000 interested in paying $299 for a home Electree. Are you aiming with one?
Source: http://www.electree.fr/vivien.muller/Electree-en.html
"The inspiration for design came to me while watching Electree trees. The leaves of the trees are real natural solar panels," explains Muller. "Therefore, the shape of the tree is the best way to harness solar energy." That was the reason that the charger looks like a small bonsai composed of 27 small solar panels that double-leaf. Mounted on supports (the "branches" of the tree), each panel can rotate freely, which allows the user to create an unlimited number of ways. "I wanted Electree is a product to be used inside, so that the aspect of bonsai that I thought was best," says the French designer.
The first 400 units sold will be numbered.
The Electree is about 40 inches high and provides a few hundred mAh if all its panels are directly illuminated by the Sun, which is quite difficult to get inside a home or office. The energy is stored in a battery that has at its base and sent to devices charged via a USB connector. Some of your gadgets require an adapter to be connected to this source of energy. Anyway, you still can not go to the store and take one home, they have not begun to be produced. The designer has enabled the option to make a "pre-purchase" online (paying 299 euros, by the way) and when production begins thousand orders. The first 400 units sold will be numbered and accompanied by a certificate signed by Vivien Muller, with shipping charges on account of the manufacturer.
While this is a pretty useful product and does not seem to be strictly "original". Not long ago we saw a young student as more than shocked to discover that a scientist if you have solar panels in the same way that the leaves of trees can significantly increase the production of electricity. Muller solar charger seems to be simply a nice implementation of this principle, but with the disadvantage of being thought of as an ornament for indoors, a site that usually sunlight often reach only a few hours . Despite these drawbacks, you may find 1000 interested in paying $299 for a home Electree. Are you aiming with one?
Source: http://www.electree.fr/vivien.muller/Electree-en.html
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Today, is World Alzheimer's Day 2011
Today, September 21 is World Alzheimer's Day new window, the most common neurological disease of dementia. According to the data handled by the Spanish Society of Neurology new window (SEN), in Spain there are over 600,000 patients and others estimated that approximately 200,000 cases would be undiagnosed.
In addition, the progressive aging of the population will increase in coming decades in a very considerable number of people over 65 years. It is estimated that about 30-40 even years to double the current figure, which would be more than a million and half people affected by the disease in Spain.
We have spoken on countless occasions of what is and what causes this disease, but such an important day, not get tired of tell thee. Alzheimer's is a degenerative process probably produced by the deposition of amyloid beta protein and generates a gradual loss of neurons and their connections. Except in the rare cases where the disease is caused by a genetic mutation, Alzheimer's disease has no known cause. For distribution to the brain causes cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms and ultimately loss of functional capacity and limit the autonomy and independence.
As you know, the risk factors of this disease are many: population, advanced age, gender (female), illiteracy and medical history, especially those known as cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol and other depression, menopause, etc.).
Some of the most common symptoms of this disease: progressive memory loss, inattention, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation in time and space, difficulty in recognizing objects and people, and so on.
Alzheimer's disease is treatable, but has not yet found a cure. There are four drugs that have shown efficacy in improving cognitive-behavioral symptoms and functional. These are drugs that can 'stabilize' one to two years the evolution of symptoms and may even delay the need for admission to residence. Dr. Pablo Martínez-Lage Alvarez, coordinator of the behavior and dementia of the Spanish Society of Neurology new window, gives us his opinion on how important it is time to catch the disease:
"Early diagnosis becomes a fundamental tool for improving quality of life of patients. The problem is that often the initial stage may be overlooked. As the disease has a varied form of appearance does not follow a unique pattern and has a gradual development, it is sometimes difficult for the patient or his family to distinguish the early symptoms of Alzheimer changes of old age. "
"It's important to know that age by itself does not cause dementia. The age may decrease the speed at the time to learn or remember when, but does not explain the loss of memory, does not justify the everyday memory failure, repeated and persistent. When someone asked if a loved one, whether he or she is starting with an Alzheimer's that it's time to go to the doctor and that is the time when the physician must be prepared to give a professional response based on clinical evaluation and a proportionate and appropriate diagnostic studies as well as full respect for rights and autonomy of the person consulting. "
The doctor continues:
"Although in recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of disease, as well as early diagnosis is necessary to continue to promote efforts to promote health education of the population about what the early symptoms and promote effective coordination between health primary and specialist to ensure the best response to the demand for diagnostic of the person who complains about memory leaks. The diagnostic and therapeutic clinical research remains crucial to one of the diseases that increase in incidence in the coming years. "
"In particular, in Spain, clinical research has been showing for years a significant delay compared to other developed countries. Is necessary to enhance the clinical units of dementia, brain banks, clinicopathologic studies, projects anatomical and functional neuroimaging and clinical centers that support research. "
Source and credits: cuidadoalzheimer.com
In addition, the progressive aging of the population will increase in coming decades in a very considerable number of people over 65 years. It is estimated that about 30-40 even years to double the current figure, which would be more than a million and half people affected by the disease in Spain.
We have spoken on countless occasions of what is and what causes this disease, but such an important day, not get tired of tell thee. Alzheimer's is a degenerative process probably produced by the deposition of amyloid beta protein and generates a gradual loss of neurons and their connections. Except in the rare cases where the disease is caused by a genetic mutation, Alzheimer's disease has no known cause. For distribution to the brain causes cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms and ultimately loss of functional capacity and limit the autonomy and independence.
As you know, the risk factors of this disease are many: population, advanced age, gender (female), illiteracy and medical history, especially those known as cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol and other depression, menopause, etc.).
Some of the most common symptoms of this disease: progressive memory loss, inattention, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation in time and space, difficulty in recognizing objects and people, and so on.
Alzheimer's disease is treatable, but has not yet found a cure. There are four drugs that have shown efficacy in improving cognitive-behavioral symptoms and functional. These are drugs that can 'stabilize' one to two years the evolution of symptoms and may even delay the need for admission to residence. Dr. Pablo Martínez-Lage Alvarez, coordinator of the behavior and dementia of the Spanish Society of Neurology new window, gives us his opinion on how important it is time to catch the disease:
"Early diagnosis becomes a fundamental tool for improving quality of life of patients. The problem is that often the initial stage may be overlooked. As the disease has a varied form of appearance does not follow a unique pattern and has a gradual development, it is sometimes difficult for the patient or his family to distinguish the early symptoms of Alzheimer changes of old age. "
"It's important to know that age by itself does not cause dementia. The age may decrease the speed at the time to learn or remember when, but does not explain the loss of memory, does not justify the everyday memory failure, repeated and persistent. When someone asked if a loved one, whether he or she is starting with an Alzheimer's that it's time to go to the doctor and that is the time when the physician must be prepared to give a professional response based on clinical evaluation and a proportionate and appropriate diagnostic studies as well as full respect for rights and autonomy of the person consulting. "
The doctor continues:
"Although in recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of disease, as well as early diagnosis is necessary to continue to promote efforts to promote health education of the population about what the early symptoms and promote effective coordination between health primary and specialist to ensure the best response to the demand for diagnostic of the person who complains about memory leaks. The diagnostic and therapeutic clinical research remains crucial to one of the diseases that increase in incidence in the coming years. "
"In particular, in Spain, clinical research has been showing for years a significant delay compared to other developed countries. Is necessary to enhance the clinical units of dementia, brain banks, clinicopathologic studies, projects anatomical and functional neuroimaging and clinical centers that support research. "
Source and credits: cuidadoalzheimer.com
You are what you think
As he thinks within himself, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
The thoughts make the man. As a man thinketh so is he.
If man thinks that all people are good (I always find good people and respectful in my way), then good people will be on your walk. If you think that the world is full of opportunities, you'll find, if you think I am love, prosperity and abundance, it will.
We human beings have a great power inside us that rarely appreciate, because we see our mind ... are what we think.
All we are we are in our thoughts. And with our thoughts, we build our world.
- Buddha
You create your life with your thoughts. Or, more specifically, your deepest beliefs that live in your subconscious. If you think health, love, money, prosperity, wealth, continually, continuously, and if you think you focus your mind on achieving your subconscious print these positive thoughts in every moment of your life, that's what you will receive shortly.
Life, the universe is created in thought.
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and those who make evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because they have the power in his hand.
- Mic 2:1
Good for those who think bedtime beautiful things in the visions of grandeur.
"O king, the thoughts that stirred in the bed your mind related to what will happen in the future, and who reveals mysteries made known to you what will happen.
Daniel 2:29
"The life of a man is what his thoughts want to be."
- Marco Aurelio
The universe is created with ideas, information. All the universe you perceive as the material universe is due to mental universe that you accept as real.
The mental set is the set of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, scruples, values, etc.. you accept. Your mind creates your world together. If you want to change your world, your life, you change your mind set.
The mental set are the parameters that you accept as true.
For your current personality, which began to form your mind set from the moment you were conceived / a.
From the time you were getting ideas, truths, values, be used to create this world.
We see only what we know.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German writer and thinker
The thoughts make the man. As a man thinketh so is he.
If man thinks that all people are good (I always find good people and respectful in my way), then good people will be on your walk. If you think that the world is full of opportunities, you'll find, if you think I am love, prosperity and abundance, it will.
We human beings have a great power inside us that rarely appreciate, because we see our mind ... are what we think.
All we are we are in our thoughts. And with our thoughts, we build our world.
- Buddha
You create your life with your thoughts. Or, more specifically, your deepest beliefs that live in your subconscious. If you think health, love, money, prosperity, wealth, continually, continuously, and if you think you focus your mind on achieving your subconscious print these positive thoughts in every moment of your life, that's what you will receive shortly.
Life, the universe is created in thought.
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and those who make evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because they have the power in his hand.
- Mic 2:1
Good for those who think bedtime beautiful things in the visions of grandeur.
"O king, the thoughts that stirred in the bed your mind related to what will happen in the future, and who reveals mysteries made known to you what will happen.
Daniel 2:29
"The life of a man is what his thoughts want to be."
- Marco Aurelio
The universe is created with ideas, information. All the universe you perceive as the material universe is due to mental universe that you accept as real.
The mental set is the set of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, scruples, values, etc.. you accept. Your mind creates your world together. If you want to change your world, your life, you change your mind set.
The mental set are the parameters that you accept as true.
For your current personality, which began to form your mind set from the moment you were conceived / a.
From the time you were getting ideas, truths, values, be used to create this world.
We see only what we know.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German writer and thinker
The comet Elenin will not destroy Earth
It approaches Earth at nearly 90,000 km. per hour and its closest approach to Earth will occur on 16 October. According to some, however, several weeks before that day the comet Elenin (officially designated C/2010 X1) planted in our world a wave of death and destruction as has not been known until now. Massive eruptions, major earthquakes, tsunamis, catastrophic solar flares, magnetic reversal of the poles and a whole string of disasters with an intensity never before seen by man. It will be between 26 and 27 this September. The reason for so much destruction, according to those who feed the idea is that, precisely during those days, the comet will be aligned with the Earth and the Sun Which, to understand, means that you could draw a straight line to play at a time the three celestial bodies. And it's the last two times I saw that lineup coincided with earthquakes of Chile (February 27, 2010) and Japan (March 11, 2011). Some "scientists" (including a certain Mensur Omerbashib) curl curl and strive to complete the list of astronomical alignments disastrous. And they have found all of them, when they occur, consistent with earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6. Omerbashib argues that, despite its small size (compared to a planet), the destructive potential of comets (and other celestial objects) when they are aligned with other worlds is due to "a phenomenon of resonance magnification" he himself has described and which has come to present to experts at Cornell University.
Without much success, indeed. To complete the picture, others have wanted to see this comet Niburu, the obscure and unknown "Planet X" Solar System, a mysterious world that just happens around us each many thousands of years, inexorably causing major disasters and mass extinctions. Or say that even this could be a companion star called the Sun (a small brown dwarf) star does not shine (and that has not been discovered) but its enormous mass, several times that of Jupiter, become a real harbinger of destruction. It all started a few months ago, when an Internet user, playing with an educational program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, which allows you to draw a diagram of the orbits of the planets known objects, noticed that precisely in the days when Elenin position aligned with the Earth and the Sun there were two earthquakes in Chile and Japan. During the first alignment (the February 27, 2010) the Elenin was about 630 million km. of the Earth. During the second (March 11 this year), was reduced to half that distance (about 300 million km), which would explain that the earthquake in Japan was much more destructive than that of Chile. What will be able to do during the next Elenin alignment, the 26 to 27 this month, when only be about 50 million miles away? With these premises, and as has happened on other occasions, the story spread like wildfire through the Internet and social networking. And a cloud of "experts" have been added to the virtual forums with new data and "scientific calculations" that demonstrate the inevitability of the catastrophe.
As the weeks pass and the d "day" approaches, the stories multiply and blend into each other: NASA knows what will happen and hides, several astronomers who wanted to reveal the truth have died in a within a few days victims of a rare disease, the comet is only the vanguard of an alien invasion that is hidden in its wake ... There is something for all tastes. In this situation, NASA in mid-August issued a statement calling for calm and explaining that none of this will happen. The comet is only 3.5 km. diameter is too small to alter the orbit of a planet or to remove the Earth's tectonic plates and cause earthquakes. In addition, during its closest approach to the Elenin will be more than 35 million km. away, 92 times what separates us from the moon and almost the same as that between the Earth and Venus. Not to mention that Elenin reached on September 10th point of closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) and scientists have found in recent days, a rapid decline in brightness, which suggests that, consumed by solar radiation, is a disintegrating comet. As it is, almost certainly, his last trip around the Sun. The images in these lines show how he saw the comet on 29 August and how, after its perihelion, no trace of him could be seen on 14 September.
Praise your children for their effort, not intelligence
Carol Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford, has devoted years to prove that one of the key elements of successful education is the ability to learn from mistakes. However, we often teach the opposite. If a child makes mistakes, is not very smart. The set does not make mistakes, and also precisely why we praise him for being ready. Few people are praising others for their effort, not innate ability.
Dweck conducted an experiment with more than 400 children from twelve schools in New York, were subjected to a very easy test consisting of a non-verbal puzzle. Once completed, the experimenter said the note to the child, followed by a phrase of praise. Half of the children were praised for their intelligence, the other half, for their efforts. Then they were allowed to choose between two different tests. The first option is described as a series of difficult puzzles, but told the children that if they tried, they would learn a lot. The other option was a simple test, similar to what they had done. When designing the experiment, Dweck had imagined that the different forms of praise would have a rather moderate. At the end of the day, it was just a phrase.
However, it soon became clear that the kind of compliment that became the fifth graders dramatically influenced subsequent choice tests. The group of children congratulated for their effort, 99% chose the set of difficult puzzles. For their part, most of the kids praised for their intelligence, they decided on the easier test. When we praise the intelligence of a child, we are actually getting the message: be smart, do not risk making mistakes. Dweck The following experiments also suggest that this fear of failure also inhibits learning. With the same group of group of children were subjected to another test, this time very difficult to see how they responded to the challenge.
Those who had been praised for their effort in the first trial, worked assiduously to solve the problem, engaging with great enthusiasm. However, children praised for their intelligence is quickly discouraged because they considered the inevitable mistakes as signs of failure, perhaps, deep down, they thought, were not ready. The final series of tests showed the same level of difficulty than the first. In any case, students praised for effort showed significant improvement: their average score increased by 30%. As these children were willing to accept challenges (although at first it meant missing), ended up paying a much higher level. This result was even more admirable when comparing with students who had been randomized to the group "ready" scores dropped an average of almost 20%. For children "ready", the experience of failure had been so daunting that actually experienced a setback.
Dweck conducted an experiment with more than 400 children from twelve schools in New York, were subjected to a very easy test consisting of a non-verbal puzzle. Once completed, the experimenter said the note to the child, followed by a phrase of praise. Half of the children were praised for their intelligence, the other half, for their efforts. Then they were allowed to choose between two different tests. The first option is described as a series of difficult puzzles, but told the children that if they tried, they would learn a lot. The other option was a simple test, similar to what they had done. When designing the experiment, Dweck had imagined that the different forms of praise would have a rather moderate. At the end of the day, it was just a phrase.
However, it soon became clear that the kind of compliment that became the fifth graders dramatically influenced subsequent choice tests. The group of children congratulated for their effort, 99% chose the set of difficult puzzles. For their part, most of the kids praised for their intelligence, they decided on the easier test. When we praise the intelligence of a child, we are actually getting the message: be smart, do not risk making mistakes. Dweck The following experiments also suggest that this fear of failure also inhibits learning. With the same group of group of children were subjected to another test, this time very difficult to see how they responded to the challenge.
Those who had been praised for their effort in the first trial, worked assiduously to solve the problem, engaging with great enthusiasm. However, children praised for their intelligence is quickly discouraged because they considered the inevitable mistakes as signs of failure, perhaps, deep down, they thought, were not ready. The final series of tests showed the same level of difficulty than the first. In any case, students praised for effort showed significant improvement: their average score increased by 30%. As these children were willing to accept challenges (although at first it meant missing), ended up paying a much higher level. This result was even more admirable when comparing with students who had been randomized to the group "ready" scores dropped an average of almost 20%. For children "ready", the experience of failure had been so daunting that actually experienced a setback.
Friday, September 9, 2011
How to Repair an MP3 Player

How to fix the MP3 player, the idea here is to take a soldering tin, open the MP3 player as a watermelon and start changing components. We refer to compensation at the software level, or when the default firmware starts to do his thing and there seems nothing to do back of darkness. One option is to try to force an official firmware, but there is an alternative, as long as your device is compatible: Rockbox. It takes a while among us, but its development has come a long way, and its compatibility list has become longer.
Can we consider a dedicated mp3 player as obsolete? After all, playing music is just a function in the great majority of phones available in the market, but those who advocate "decentralization" of devices must use and abuse of them. Like with any expression of modern technology, an MP3 player may stop working. Usually the reason involves an accident such as "physically strong" or typical "amphibious exploration," but also the firmware, and from time to time, decide to have a rebel attack that takes a walk indefinite. Now, if the player is a relatively known brand, there should be an official method of recovery. However an alternative would be to replace the firmware directly. Rockbox has passed through the halls of the blogs few years ago and has come a long way since then. The list of supported devices has expanded, and fortunately, its main functions are still intact. It is generally faster than the standard firmware may lead to lower power consumption in some models, with comprehensive support of audio formats (including FLAC always desired), enables images and text, and also provides playback video units that allow it. The players support list includes classics like the first iPod (in unstable), the Archos players and renowned people Sansa SanDisk and others. Be sure to visit the official website to see if there is at least an unstable version that works with your player.
The installation utility is easy to use, and can run on Windows, Mac and Linux. Although the review indicates a date of May 2011, the latest version was compiled in late June. Even if your mp3 is not a problem, not a bad idea to replace its firmware with Rockbox. Its built-in functions beyond what the manufacturer provides by default, so it would be possible to inject a little life to an old player. Now, if what you have in your hands is one of many "s1mp3" generic from the East, then Rockbox is for you. Pay a visit to this site, find the model of motherboard in your player, and cross your fingers hoping you have a compatible firmware.
To download Rockbox visit the following URL: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtility#Download
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
NASA: Travel the solar system in 3D from the browser

Whether for education or to satisfy curiosity, applications that bring us the universe through the screen has always been our favorites. Now NASA has once again demonstrated their teaching skills and technology in an application to the browser that lets you tour the solar system in 3D.
From NASA comes to your browser Eyes on the Solar System, where you can have guided tours or just for our neighborhood space using updated data in real time. NASA launched the Solar System suey on a 3D platform with the possibility of stereoscopic 3D (with glasses to see) that runs from the browser by downloading a plugin. From here you can browse for free or Guild Solar System, with data taken from the very basis of NASAy updated in real time by the U.S. agency and its various subdivisions. The application is not in technology we've seen in other interactive 3D applications, but is developed with technology from video games to an alternative sense of control, using both the mouse and keyboard to navigate menus and interactive. At the start you have to download the Unity plugin which is available for Windows and Mac at the moment, and once installed the plugin, you can start a journey through the Solar System Eyes on by going to your website. Inside, and not at all English, you will find invitations to visit current mission, to go directly through the solar system or start with an introduction, which is the video of the article, and add some tutorials that despite being in another language are easily understood by visual demonstration. The application is very fluid, but still has options to lower quality graphics if your computer shows any fatigue. Among other things we saw you can do is review of media files on a mission, visual checks of lights, modification time and date to present and future, increase speed, view satellite tour and modify various aspects of the configuration. Eyes on The Solar System is ideal for exploring the solar system in 3D and learn even more our home, without a doubt recommend it.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
LG 3D Optimus 2012 will take an especially thin

LG is working on an update to its star phone, LG 3D Optimus, a showcase technology from the Korean company, which highlight the 3D display (no glasses) and dual-core processor, signed by Texas Instruments.
Updating the phone's main objective is to get a super-thin design, we talk about 7 millimeters thick, while preserving the virtues of the phone. It is quite possible that in 2012 we start seeing Smartphones on the market close to 6 mm.
The information has been given exclusively by one of the creators of the first phone, Dr. Henry Noh, people from Pocket-Lint. Also reported that the phone does not appear this year on the market.
It is very interesting to hear from a designer of smartphones as a first firm LG: Henry is honest about his phone, knowing that the phone is not more attractive or the thinnest on the market, so you have to work on this sense.
He also believes that mobile is increasingly more like (size, thickness, design ...), so the market is becoming boring. We appreciate your sincerity, but the truth is in their power to try to circle the issue.
Monday, August 29, 2011
CPUsage: Earn money and contribute to research on your computer

CPUsage is a company specializing in grid computing with an infrastructure of providing on-line computer processing for large computer systems. The company allows you to fully use your computer's idle CPU to earn about $ 10 a month with an application that downloads. But what matters is that the application and service CPUsage also have charitable purposes and can be a viable way to generate money for schools or state have lots of unused computer while supporting an industry that has great potential for future. The worlds biggest "hard drive" and largest of IBM is developing supercomputers or presented in a report on the fastest on earth give us a clue of what the computation of high complexity required to operate and conduct research in all fields we can imagine. To investigate these things, it requires processing power to which all companies can not economically or physically access a supercomputer, and that's where the scene appear in companies that offer grid computing. This type of infrastructure can combine collectively in a remote environment or physical depending on the occasion, thousands of computers to provide processing power to a given activity. Some of these are services such as CPUsage, taking advantage of the potential ability to compute your CPU idle state, and thousands of others around the world, supplies the computing needs of an institution or company and will reward you for collaborate with them.
CPUsage system is similar to what we have seen repeatedly in other mechanisms of "donation processing," in which the ability to produce energy that do not use your processor is used to generate processing power that is fed to other projects or users, as well as for symbolic or monetary benefit. With similarities platform to SETI @ homepero in SEO CPUsage words "for commercial purposes, the collection system benefits of this service is similar to the system flyer miles in air travel promotions or awards scheme credit card. That is, the contributor CPUsage is creating "points" to let the application units consume processing power of idle computer (when airconditioners idle or when you run something very light).
CPUsage activity is intended primarily for companies that manage SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) or PaaS (Platform as a Service), so the large influx of customers is something we should get used to the user wants to work with processing in exchange for gifts and prizes. Jeff Martens plan, CPUsage founder, plans to provide 45 cents who donate computing power sufficient to win $ 1 CPUsage. Customers of the service, CPUsage charges 15 cents per hour of CPU usage. Clearly, no one is going to get rich by giving individuals donating CPU to earn at least $ 10, but it's good to know that the project is also supportive edges, as Martens mentioned the possibility of using computers in public schools for them earn extra money for funding. The viability of the project depends on himself and his ability to raise the money needed to start working.
Official Site: http://cirrus.cpusage.com/
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
7 sources of inspiration to revive your business idea

Most people begin with great enthusiasm your new business or business idea, but as time progresses, complications may arise or simply the project can not proceed as planned.
To overcome this problem FoxBusiness website published an article in which an entrepreneur can find new sources of inspiration to revive its business.
A summary of the article:
1. Talk to your customers. Where else can you find ideas if not of your own clients whom you can propose a number of ways to renew your business.
2. Follow the news. See what is happening in the world will allow you to sniff out new business opportunities.
3. Use new technology. Being always experimenting with new technology will allow you to find new ways to develop your business may be in a much more profitable.
4. You trace your own path. If you think a new way of doing business, go ahead to develop it without thinking if someone else has done before, you may be the first to do so and that can be very good.
5. Study your industry. Buy magazines related to your business industry and discover new trends to where you could direct you to earn more money.
6. Travel. When traveling you can continue exploring new ways of doing business that are occurring in other places and other realities that may suit your business.
7. Ask your employees. As your clients employees can be an important source
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Lady Gaga released literally a skeleton costume

Now if there is anyone who should not strive for attention, for it comes almost automatically, is Lady Gaga. After the infamous dress meat used last year at the MTV awards, which seemed insurmountable at the time, is that there is a new look in sight of the star.
And to follow the anatomical line, this time the dress was the result of a bone inspiration .... the dress will be bones. It seems that an Internet company that sells products related to the food industry, Gaga offered a modest sum of $ 500 thousand dollars to get the dress at the MTV awards this year. Of course, the dress is a secret to only a few walls and have no idea how it will be.
This carnivorous company is based in Ohio, USA declared that it met with a famous designer, whose name also remains secret, who shows his work on the runways in the world and, in theory, is already working on a designs crazier than the fashion industry has seen. And if the dress is a skeleton, makeup and accessories, too? Maybe instead of eye shadow Gaga will use a little sauce.
The director of the company called PigoftheMonth, Leah Richards, said "we will not disclose even the number of bones to be included in the dress" However, rumors indicate that weigh several kilos attire. But yes, "Gaga will be able to move in a normal way," said Richards.
That part kind of crazy idea 'fashionista' is that after you use the star for the MTV event, the dress will be auctioned to benefit a financial assistance program for artists called 'Bones for Hunger. "
Lady Gaga does not say anything, and certainly put it that you will notice. The awards will air on August 28 this year in Los Angeles, California. Just have to wait and see to believe.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tips for a healthy diet

The diet should always be varied and balanced, taking into account all the food groups, and caring quantities.
You do not have to be hunger, extreme diets that promise to lower all our surplus pounds in three days do not work, as healthy to lose weight gradually, between half and one pound a week.
Try to always eat at the same time, develop your schedule and stick to it. Do not skip any food even when not hungry, I recommend are 5 meals a day, you should not miss more than 4 hours without food.
Learn to read labels, "0% fat" is not the same as "no calorie" usually the light products are added more sugar to taste pleasant. The secret is to care for the portion size, whether or not a food low in fat.
Try to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime, because the metabolism slows down at night and is easier to accumulate fat.
Try to choose foods high in fiber will help you feel satisfied more easily.
Always keep on hand in your pocket or in your office, healthy foods like an apple, nuts or yogurt, this will help you not find what you should not eat.
It's good that you start your meal with a green salad or a glass of water will help you feel satisfied and not eat much.
The scale should not become an obsession, I suggest that your guide is no longer a garment that you have left, before the scale, if your choice is the scale, Weigh yourself only once a week, at the same time, preferably the morning on an empty stomach and without clothes.
Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly.
Preferably about dressing your dishes with olive oil and vinegar dressing asks next, and choose those that are most transparent, not creamy.
Decorate in a striking way your dishes, try to change them, do not eat the same thing.
Drink water throughout the day and green tea after meals.
Plan your menus, to do your grocery shopping take a list, keep the cart away anything that might be a temptation to break your willpower.
If something were to break your diet, do not wait until the next day to retrieve it, do it immediately in the next meal you touch.
Try to avoid alcohol, but I understand that sometimes it is impossible in these cases opt for red wine
Try to avoid fat, eat raw, roasted, steamed, grilled, wallpaper, etc..
There will be times that the commitments will not be easy to fulfill your diet you choose the option of eating only half of what you serve.
If you have a hunger attack, take a glass of water first and then a glass of fruit juice to quench the craving.
Try to keep a diary of what you eat, scoring all!, Any sin however small, you'll realize why you're not getting the results you want.
As I mentioned, regardless of diet you make, if accompanied by this advice, sure to meet the outcomes you seek. Remember that exercise is very important of course to help you, but you have to be very clear that 70% of the result is what goes into your mouth, the other 30% Leave it to exercise.
Friday, July 8, 2011
10 tricks to surf faster

The time that needed a minute to load a page is far from reality. The broadband connections have replaced the modem and browsing speed has increased dramatically. We may not have even the information highway but a paved road, at least, yes.
However, this advantage can ruin because of the wide variety of reasons, from websites to heavy and poorly timed bit applications optimized for your connection, to failures in auxiliary services such as DNS.
Do you also your connection is slower than usual? Do not despair, man. Whatever your problem, we give you ten tips for faster browsing. Fixed that one will work.
0. First things first: measure the speed of your connection
The wind blows more or less strong, the connection seems more or less rapid ... It all starts with a sensation. However, nothing beats a reliable measurement to know for sure what's wrong with your connection. Use a speedometer to know how fast Internet data low.
We recommend BASP, JDast or one of many tests speed Internet connection available, as Velocimetro.org, TestdeVelocidad or test the association of Internet users.
If the speed is lower than expected, there may be several causes: the failure of your central communications operator, problems with your router, and so on. Open an issue with your carrier is only part of the solution. Here we will discuss what is in your hand.
1. Change your DNS for a faster (OpenDNS, Google DNS ...)
When you write the address of a web page, the browser first contacts the DNS server for the IP address corresponding to the machine serving the pages. If for some reason the DNS servers fail or were subjected to heavy loads, the connection would suffer immediately.
To avoid this problem, change the DNS servers by hand or using tools such as DNS or DNS Jumper Benchmark, which allow you to find and activate the DNS faster for your line. How about some easy to remember DNS? The Google: and
2. Compresses the pages with Opera Turbo or fasTun
Today, a website can weigh up to one megabyte. If your connection is not able to digest this volume of data, arm yourself with patience ... or use a web compressor. The Opera browser includes one since version 10. Opera is called Turbo.
Opera Turbo
Turbo Opera loads pages through its servers, having compressed the images and other heavy elements. The result is a much faster loading of pages, at the expense of visual quality and sometimes functionality.
And if you use another browser? Then try fasTun, a service that not only compresses images and HTML, but also provides partial anonymity by hiding your IP number.
3. Proxify clean pages with your browser or modify them
Compression is a powerful option, but it affects the quality of the pages. If you load a page without certain items, such as advertising or scripts, there are many anonymous proxies which will be of great utility. The most interesting is Proxify, which ensures speed and privacy. Another similar is The Cloak.
You can get something similar disabling the loading of images, animations and scripts in your browser settings, or through extensions such as NoScript, AdBlock Plus or FlashBlock.
4. Become going through a mobile phone
Many sites have mobile versions that take less time to load without sacrificing the core functionality. To "trick" into thinking that your computer is a mobile, use the User-Agent Switcher extension (also for Chrome). Choose iPhone or other options to change their identity.
User-Agent Switcher
Another way to navigate style is to use Google Mobile Transcoder or MOWSE. Both services tailored websites to be loaded on mobile first-generation (to be clear, yet those who sail WAP). The result is ... austere.
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