To be a beautiful and attractive women undergo many diets, often without any control and making many mistakes ...
And it is to lose those extra pounds is not a game and there are many people who get sick with some diets they just did not take into account a number of important factors.
We will offer a number of useful tips for your diet to go well. Some errors that should never make when dieting and that will serve you whatever you are following the rules.
1. Do not be tempted by diets that provide misleading results too fast. Cause significant loss of vitamins and also lose weight quickly implies the appearance of stretch marks.
2. Dinner too and no breakfast the next day. Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it gives you all the nutrients needed to withstand a hard day's work.
3. Saying "no" to certain foods is not positive. The best regimen is a balanced diet. Therefore, it is best to eat anything and not banish any food. That yes, here are excluded sweets, industrial bakery ...
4. To get only summer regime is a grave mistake. Many fattened in winter and make their diet only during the summer to look palmetto and not realizing that each year it is harder to shake off those extra pounds. There is a time when the fat cells of our bodies do not disappear at all, only empty but then refilled with increasing speed.
5. You should weigh yourself every day, just do it once a week. Otherwise, one can become obsessed with the scale ...
6. Do not forget the water! It is advisable to drink two liters of water per day, excluding the water we drink during meals.
7. Not to play any sport is also a mistake. With the diet is not enough to stay in shape. So the best thing is to spend even half an hour a day doing some exercise in a gym or at home. You can also start going to work at home walking or climbing the stairs instead of the elevator.
8. Beware of laxatives and diuretics. Abusing them can lead to not absorb certain nutrients that are necessary for our health.
9. Forget about taking pills that suppress the appetite without first talking to your doctor. These drugs must be taken under medical supervision because sometimes you might not be necessary or are contraindicated for us.
10. Eating quickly is harmful to our body. It is best to eat slowly, chewing well, for our body to better assimilate and digest food is made better. Besides most of the plate and enjoy!
11. It is important to all meals and not skip a single one. Otherwise, all you achieve is to accumulate fat to endure long hours without food.
12. Prepare some meals boring and insipid. During the diet we eat (almost) everything so why prepare dishes unattractive? Eating well does not mean eating the same thing, it can be very creative with the diets.
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