Monday, November 4, 2013

World's most beautiful woman

No boring speeches about wanting peace in the modeling world and clumsy in few clothes, one 18 year old British female took the title of "The most beautiful face of Britain 'and endorsed it science, explaining the importance of symmetry and left us with the question of whether it will be the most beautiful woman in the world.

The beauty is subjective and studies have shown that the model attractive woman or man changes with the times. From Ancient Greece to the present, the ideal of beauty has changed substantially but for the beauty of science is assessed in terms of symmetry that can be found in the imaginary facial geometry. With a somewhat renegade model for those who prefer that there are no models or ideal structures for something as problematic and discriminatory as beauty, British scientists have managed to discover who they think is the most beautiful woman in the world.

No judges or public ahead without parading with different dresses and bikinis, the winner for science is Florence Colgate, an employee from a position of chips that have 18 years and participated in "Lorraine: Naked", a beauty contest for TV that rewarded those with a perfect face without using makeup or cosmetic surgery. "Florence has all the classic features that make the beauty," said Carmen Lefevre Perception Laboratory at the University of St. Andrews School of Psychology. Big eyes, high cheekbones, full lips and smooth complexion. Again, the combination of symmetry is essential.

Without going into classical measures to prosecute models, science determines a beautiful face as showing symmetry. In the face of Florence Colgate, the radius of distance between your eyes and ears is 2:1, which is the scientific ideal. Furthermore, the distance between your eyes and your mouth is the third of the distance between the hairline and chin, another great feature according to the science of beauty.

Beauty is an abstract concept and obviously relative. Its existence is linked to a perception that in turn is determined largely by cultural norms and specific associations . However, as often happens with scientific gaze , parameters have also been established outlining the perfect composition of beauty in reference to the human face.

Is This the World 's Most Beautiful Woman?

And according to the proportions nominated as suitable for science, British Florence Colgate is the most beautiful woman on the planet. The distance between your ears is exactly twice the distance that separates one of the pupils of the other. In addition , the distance from your eye to your mouth is equivalent to a third of the separating line chin where he began his hair above the forehead. Both proportions match the perfect beauty scientists obtained after multiple correlated variables.

Florence has been named " The most beautiful woman in the UK" after winning the Naked Lorraine , honoring the natural beauty . With this has received several offers to star in advertising campaigns , so soon her face will flood the streets of dozens of British cities.

Carmen Lefevre, Perception Lab researcher at the University of St Andrews ' School of Psychology , explains the ' perfection ' of this woman :

"Florence has all the hallmarks of classic beauty . It has big eyes, cheekbones popping, full lips , and fair complexion. The symmetry seems to be a very important element to define someone attractive . "

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