Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Caffeine: The next generation of google search engine

Google has just announced the next generation of its search engine. Known as "Caffeine, the new technology promises to deliver faster results and relevant to the user.

Obviously not much is known yet how this will work because it is a secret, but what is clear is that you will not notice the changes visually, because the surgery will take place in the heart of the browser interface without touching.

It is very good news for us, end users, the announcement is already causing some concern in the community of developers search engine optimization strategies (SEO) is still not clear how this will affect the results and positions current sites.

With more than 78% market share in the segment of the search engines, being amongst the first results on Google, is worth much money. That's why companies invest in SEO and that to reach the top, are the first to suffer if the search engines implement new changes.

If you want to try the new Google doses of caffeine, you can simply
visit the following URL:

Increase your sexual power, keeping your testosterone

Something you need to testosterone that is, as the shortage of this hormone can affect you as seriously at risk of getting prostate cancer or heart attacks. So I leave you a few steps so you can increase your levels and lengthen "literally" your life.

1. Make exercise improves your abdominals

If your waist increases testosterone decreases, if in fact increase your body mass index (weight gain) can reach speed up your level of testorena for many years. If you want to lose a little weight don't eat much rice and potatoes in your meals.

2. Improve your biceps

Finnish researchers found that men who regularly lifted weights increase almost 50% of their free testosterone levels. "To strengthen the muscles, causes the body to increase its amount of production of testosterone," commented David Zava, CEO of ZRT Laboratory.

3. Keep an adequate level of fat

It is true that reducing the amount of fat helps to get in shape but eliminate a lot of fat can cause the testosterone was sunk fence. A study recently published by the International Journal of Sports Medicine showed that men who consumed more fat level had very testostero something (not that a contradiction?). Note that to protect our heart and preserve our testosterone, there are fat things that you have to eat, but they are monosaturated (fish and nuts).

4. Dodge alcohol

They usually get drunk that affect testosterone levels decline. Therefore you should try to drink only one or two cups / glasses of beer or wine if you want to avoid a drop in your testosterone levels.

5. Eye with Stress

Another cause of the fall of testosterone is the physical or mental stress, such as when we see a peak stress substance called cortisol, which suppresses the ability to produce testosterone. Cardiovascular exercise helps lower the tension, but do not exceed.

Raining meteors on Wednesday August 12 2009

This August 12, there will be a magnificent spectacle, we hope to have clear skies.

"The time to look is during the hours of darkness, before dawn on Tuesday, August 12," says Bill Cooke of the Meteoroid Environment, and NASA, the Marshall Space Flight Center. "There should be plenty of meteors, perhaps one or two per minute."

The origin of this rainfall is the comet Swift-Tuttle. Although the comet is far away from the Earth, currently located beyond the orbit of Uranus, a comet's tail of debris stretching across all the way back to Earth.

Meteor hunters will begin their watch early experts on Tuesday, August 11 at night, around 9:00 pm when the constellation Perseus in the northeast exit. This is the time to look for meteors Persians who come from the horizon and the air brush.

For a while the beautiful Moon will interfere with the Persians and the glow of the moon will not see, except the brightest meteors. Abracadabra. The situation is reversed at 2:00 am on Wednesday August 12, when the moon disappears and leaves behind a dark sky for the Persians. The rain lifted in the darkness, splashing the sky with dozens and perhaps hundreds of meteors until dawn.

For best results, "Stay away from city lights," Cooke advises. The Persians brightest can be seen from cities, states, but the most spectacular bursts, consisting of faint meteors and sensitive, can only be seen in rural areas.