Since ancient times, man has a special significance to the health of the body to maintain an equally healthy mind: "Healthy mind on a healthy body" the saying goes.
One of the disciplines that have endured over the centuries with indisputable force is Yoga. This activity was born in India for at least three thousand years, his name means "union" in Sanskrit and she could be clearly defined as a philosophy and a way of body movement-based exercise, deep breathing and meditation. For the body is healthy, it is essential to harmonize it with the mind and spirit, as they say adherents to this discipline.
For "Yogis" physical discipline can relax your mind and know the energy itself.
According to Hindu culture, there are four aspects of yoga: Gnana Yoga or intellectual pursuit; Bhakti Yoga or the search for the divine; Karma Yoga or finding good deeds and Raja Yoga or search for spiritual perfection. The latter descends Hata Yoga or Yoga Body, which is the most popular in our Western culture.
Many doctors recommend the practice of Yoga, as this is an art that applies to the anatomy of the living body, whose purpose is not improving muscle surface as in known gymnastics, but the realization of certain postures that allow normalize body functions, regulate the involuntary processes of respiration, metabolism, circulation and digestion. Furthermore, the inclusion of meditation and relaxation methods allow largely eliminate the daily stress that all of society is exposed in these difficult times.
Regardless of mystical, dogmatic or religious demands, the Western practice of Yoga can provide optimal health, leading the person to fully develop their potential, and with the advantage that it can be practiced at any time of life.
Nothing better than attend a class to realize what you can do yoga in us. Nothing is by chance and each posture is integrated, supplemented or accentuated with the next. Teachers recommend we get used to practicing the same series, because the body gets used to it and fitness routine helps improve posture.
That is why Yoga practitioners claim that "it is a practice that is worth living itself."