Friday, December 2, 2011

Companies keep taking me to facebook

The other day I wanted to purchase my favorite mp3 player and so I saw a banner on youtube about it and so I wanted to purchase this product and they said if I said "I like" the product on facebook I would get a rebate, but I can careless about a rebate since those rebates are on their websites anyways and or I can find them at the local store, what the f... is wrong with this companies? they think that we are stupid or something? I mean yes if I can only get the rebate through facebook then I understand but if I go to the store and see that the rebate can still work if you buy their products from their local stores then why do I need some annyoing adverstising on my facebook account? yeah ok and so I did purchase their product from the local store, I have some similar sites promoting their product through facebook which I understand but guys WE WANT TO PURCHSE YOUR PRODUCT TODAY not being your amigo on facebook, I have enough companies trying to get through my facebook account just to sale me things :)

galaxy x 11 keeps trying to taking me to their facebook account when I just wanted to see the phone only, what is the deal here?? ok I get it they wanted me on their facebook account so they can shower me me in the future with maybe some junk from other companies? not today pal :)