Sit cross-legged
A company that produced food additives in 1999 was the first to talk about cross-leg damage. They even launched a massive advertising campaign in the United States, "The Great Cross-Out." Much research shows that the custom of sitting cross-legged (both on a chair and on the floor) causes high blood pressure ( Especially in hypertonic), varicose veins and damaged nerves.
Feed the birdsFeeding birds is one of the favorite pastimes of parents and children when they go for a walk in the park. Unfortunately, it is not only fun but also dangerous. The probability of an urban bird infecting you is more than 50%. Pigeons not only transmit psittacosis, but also colibacillosis, histoplasmosis, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, listeriosis, tularemia, Newcastle disease, toxoplasmosis ... Are you sure you want to know the full list?
Put on low quality sunglassesThe desire to save on production makes manufacturers use cheap plastic, which does not protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays: on the contrary, in the intense sun this type of plastic can cause retinal burns. Because with the dark lenses the pupils dilate, the eyes receive a double dose of ultraviolet, which is even more harmful than not putting on the glasses at all. Excessive ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts, damage the eyes and even cause cancer.
Drink a lot of waterYes, you have read well. Not always drinking lots of water is good. But drinking too little is bad. Researchers insist that each organism has individual water needs. If you exercise a lot or are very active, drink more; But if you have kidney problems or cardiovascular disease, it is best to limit the amount of this liquid. In any case, the best indicator to know if you need more water or not, is thirst. If you are not thirsty, do not strain yourself by drinking water.
Using rubber heaters to heal you
It seems that applying something cold or something warm in the area that hurts us are our favorite ways to relieve the pain. But there are a number of diseases that categorically should not be cured with rubber heaters. It is strictly forbidden to warm up the sore area in case of bleeding, acute inflammation of the abdomen (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), in the first hours and 1-2 days after a stroke or injury; As well as oncological diseases.
Preparing popcorn in microwave
It is not the mode of preparation but the components of the popcorn. The danger comes from a chemical called diacetyl. This is a synthetic and flavoring oil at a time. When it evaporates, it enters the lungs and damages them. You can reduce the risk if you let your popcorn cool before consuming them.
Eat without leaving the desk
Of course, workplaces may be different. But many times not only are they not fully adapted for food but also accumulate a lot of bacteria that do not favor digestion. If this argument makes you unconvincing, think that the aroma of your food can also hinder your peers and that you leave your brain without your well-deserved rest, your legs without extra exercise and prevent the stomach from digesting the Food, since your brain can not fully concentrate on that process.
Wear open shoes in the city
Of course in summer we want to put things as open as possible, and footwear is no exception. What is the risk we are running? With an open shoe there is a great risk of being cut, and any small injury, whether an insect picket or an ampoule by an uncomfortable strap, in urban conditions becomes easily infected. And it can not only affect the legs, but the whole organism in general.
Drink skim milk
Looks like it's the same milk but witouth fat. But really it's not so. Skim milk can not be compared to a common milk in terms of positive properties. Along with fat, this milk loses vitamins and gets synthetic substances that are not at all healthy. Many manufacturers "strengthen" skim milk with milk powder that oxidizes milk cholesterol. Although no human investigations have been conducted, arterial plaques that increase the risk of cardiac arrest were detected in animals that consumed oxidized cholesterol.
Do taking care of your posture
The correct posture is the symmetrical location of all organs. Take care of your back: it correctly adjusts the office chair and the inclination angle of the monitor. Here are the things to keep in mind:
Choose the length of the chair according to the length of your calf. Your seat should be hard.
The glutes should occupy at least 2/3 of the chair.
The back of the chair should be adjusted to the maximum curvature of your spine.
Sit in such a way that the spine is firmly attached to the backrest.
Take care that your shoulder blades are together, that the shoulders are on the same level and that your abdomen is relaxed.
Do not cross your legs because this would cause problems of blood circulation in the lower extremities.
Make the movements smoothly so that the column does not hit the back of the chair.
Adopt a position in which the body weight is concentrated in the hip, and that your head looks forward and up.
Do not rush to change posture if you feel discomfort. Let your muscles become accustomed to the correct posture. A part of them will gradually relax, which will make you the habit of always sitting in this way. Just do not expect it to happen right away.