Friday, September 23, 2011
Warca: Shoot a camera, not a gun (video)
WARC is an FPS game set in the war in the Middle East and North Africa. So far nothing unusual. The interesting thing is that they interpret a single soldier in combat, but a journalist only be equipped with a camera. A FPS where you do not shoot any firearm? Better yet, just keep reading.
Today it is common to find games based on war FPS like Call of Duty or Battlefield, where the command of a soldier to fulfill different objectives throughout the game pitted against other soldiers and terrorists. What is not normal is that in a game of this style controls to a reporter instead of firing a gun, put shooting. And this is what gives us WARC, which tells the story of Jesse DeMarco, a journalist who must take photos in the conflict that will travel throughout the game.
The idea of the game is that players achieve real-world experience of war journalism through the process of filming the conflict to enter into different risk situations equipped with a camera. As we move forward, the scenarios will from action packed to quieter moments where we talk with our colleagues on developments.
The game has the support of the Australian journalist and filmmaker Tony Maniaty Robert Connolly, who directed the film Balibo, a political thriller about the deaths of Australian journalists during a conflict in East Timor in 1975.
Graphically the game can see that developing still lacking polish some specifics, such as the effects of fire and light. Being developed for four months and Defiant Development Brisbane, WARC is currently in the process of letting us find a distributor in doubt about your departure date and for which platform will be available. What do you think of the idea?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bonsai solar to recharge mobile devices
A few days ago the famous French designer Vivien Muller Electree announced it has developed an interesting device designed to recharge the batteries of mobile electronic devices. As expected, it is a device in which the design has been extremely careful and look beyond the strictly functional. Instead of building a nondescript rectangular solar charger, like the hundreds that can be found in stores, Vivien was "inspired" in the form of trees.
"The inspiration for design came to me while watching Electree trees. The leaves of the trees are real natural solar panels," explains Muller. "Therefore, the shape of the tree is the best way to harness solar energy." That was the reason that the charger looks like a small bonsai composed of 27 small solar panels that double-leaf. Mounted on supports (the "branches" of the tree), each panel can rotate freely, which allows the user to create an unlimited number of ways. "I wanted Electree is a product to be used inside, so that the aspect of bonsai that I thought was best," says the French designer.
The first 400 units sold will be numbered.
The Electree is about 40 inches high and provides a few hundred mAh if all its panels are directly illuminated by the Sun, which is quite difficult to get inside a home or office. The energy is stored in a battery that has at its base and sent to devices charged via a USB connector. Some of your gadgets require an adapter to be connected to this source of energy. Anyway, you still can not go to the store and take one home, they have not begun to be produced. The designer has enabled the option to make a "pre-purchase" online (paying 299 euros, by the way) and when production begins thousand orders. The first 400 units sold will be numbered and accompanied by a certificate signed by Vivien Muller, with shipping charges on account of the manufacturer.
While this is a pretty useful product and does not seem to be strictly "original". Not long ago we saw a young student as more than shocked to discover that a scientist if you have solar panels in the same way that the leaves of trees can significantly increase the production of electricity. Muller solar charger seems to be simply a nice implementation of this principle, but with the disadvantage of being thought of as an ornament for indoors, a site that usually sunlight often reach only a few hours . Despite these drawbacks, you may find 1000 interested in paying $299 for a home Electree. Are you aiming with one?
"The inspiration for design came to me while watching Electree trees. The leaves of the trees are real natural solar panels," explains Muller. "Therefore, the shape of the tree is the best way to harness solar energy." That was the reason that the charger looks like a small bonsai composed of 27 small solar panels that double-leaf. Mounted on supports (the "branches" of the tree), each panel can rotate freely, which allows the user to create an unlimited number of ways. "I wanted Electree is a product to be used inside, so that the aspect of bonsai that I thought was best," says the French designer.
The first 400 units sold will be numbered.
The Electree is about 40 inches high and provides a few hundred mAh if all its panels are directly illuminated by the Sun, which is quite difficult to get inside a home or office. The energy is stored in a battery that has at its base and sent to devices charged via a USB connector. Some of your gadgets require an adapter to be connected to this source of energy. Anyway, you still can not go to the store and take one home, they have not begun to be produced. The designer has enabled the option to make a "pre-purchase" online (paying 299 euros, by the way) and when production begins thousand orders. The first 400 units sold will be numbered and accompanied by a certificate signed by Vivien Muller, with shipping charges on account of the manufacturer.
While this is a pretty useful product and does not seem to be strictly "original". Not long ago we saw a young student as more than shocked to discover that a scientist if you have solar panels in the same way that the leaves of trees can significantly increase the production of electricity. Muller solar charger seems to be simply a nice implementation of this principle, but with the disadvantage of being thought of as an ornament for indoors, a site that usually sunlight often reach only a few hours . Despite these drawbacks, you may find 1000 interested in paying $299 for a home Electree. Are you aiming with one?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Today, is World Alzheimer's Day 2011
Today, September 21 is World Alzheimer's Day new window, the most common neurological disease of dementia. According to the data handled by the Spanish Society of Neurology new window (SEN), in Spain there are over 600,000 patients and others estimated that approximately 200,000 cases would be undiagnosed.
In addition, the progressive aging of the population will increase in coming decades in a very considerable number of people over 65 years. It is estimated that about 30-40 even years to double the current figure, which would be more than a million and half people affected by the disease in Spain.
We have spoken on countless occasions of what is and what causes this disease, but such an important day, not get tired of tell thee. Alzheimer's is a degenerative process probably produced by the deposition of amyloid beta protein and generates a gradual loss of neurons and their connections. Except in the rare cases where the disease is caused by a genetic mutation, Alzheimer's disease has no known cause. For distribution to the brain causes cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms and ultimately loss of functional capacity and limit the autonomy and independence.
As you know, the risk factors of this disease are many: population, advanced age, gender (female), illiteracy and medical history, especially those known as cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol and other depression, menopause, etc.).
Some of the most common symptoms of this disease: progressive memory loss, inattention, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation in time and space, difficulty in recognizing objects and people, and so on.
Alzheimer's disease is treatable, but has not yet found a cure. There are four drugs that have shown efficacy in improving cognitive-behavioral symptoms and functional. These are drugs that can 'stabilize' one to two years the evolution of symptoms and may even delay the need for admission to residence. Dr. Pablo MartÃnez-Lage Alvarez, coordinator of the behavior and dementia of the Spanish Society of Neurology new window, gives us his opinion on how important it is time to catch the disease:
"Early diagnosis becomes a fundamental tool for improving quality of life of patients. The problem is that often the initial stage may be overlooked. As the disease has a varied form of appearance does not follow a unique pattern and has a gradual development, it is sometimes difficult for the patient or his family to distinguish the early symptoms of Alzheimer changes of old age. "
"It's important to know that age by itself does not cause dementia. The age may decrease the speed at the time to learn or remember when, but does not explain the loss of memory, does not justify the everyday memory failure, repeated and persistent. When someone asked if a loved one, whether he or she is starting with an Alzheimer's that it's time to go to the doctor and that is the time when the physician must be prepared to give a professional response based on clinical evaluation and a proportionate and appropriate diagnostic studies as well as full respect for rights and autonomy of the person consulting. "
The doctor continues:
"Although in recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of disease, as well as early diagnosis is necessary to continue to promote efforts to promote health education of the population about what the early symptoms and promote effective coordination between health primary and specialist to ensure the best response to the demand for diagnostic of the person who complains about memory leaks. The diagnostic and therapeutic clinical research remains crucial to one of the diseases that increase in incidence in the coming years. "
"In particular, in Spain, clinical research has been showing for years a significant delay compared to other developed countries. Is necessary to enhance the clinical units of dementia, brain banks, clinicopathologic studies, projects anatomical and functional neuroimaging and clinical centers that support research. "
Source and credits:
In addition, the progressive aging of the population will increase in coming decades in a very considerable number of people over 65 years. It is estimated that about 30-40 even years to double the current figure, which would be more than a million and half people affected by the disease in Spain.
We have spoken on countless occasions of what is and what causes this disease, but such an important day, not get tired of tell thee. Alzheimer's is a degenerative process probably produced by the deposition of amyloid beta protein and generates a gradual loss of neurons and their connections. Except in the rare cases where the disease is caused by a genetic mutation, Alzheimer's disease has no known cause. For distribution to the brain causes cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms and ultimately loss of functional capacity and limit the autonomy and independence.
As you know, the risk factors of this disease are many: population, advanced age, gender (female), illiteracy and medical history, especially those known as cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol and other depression, menopause, etc.).
Some of the most common symptoms of this disease: progressive memory loss, inattention, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation in time and space, difficulty in recognizing objects and people, and so on.
Alzheimer's disease is treatable, but has not yet found a cure. There are four drugs that have shown efficacy in improving cognitive-behavioral symptoms and functional. These are drugs that can 'stabilize' one to two years the evolution of symptoms and may even delay the need for admission to residence. Dr. Pablo MartÃnez-Lage Alvarez, coordinator of the behavior and dementia of the Spanish Society of Neurology new window, gives us his opinion on how important it is time to catch the disease:
"Early diagnosis becomes a fundamental tool for improving quality of life of patients. The problem is that often the initial stage may be overlooked. As the disease has a varied form of appearance does not follow a unique pattern and has a gradual development, it is sometimes difficult for the patient or his family to distinguish the early symptoms of Alzheimer changes of old age. "
"It's important to know that age by itself does not cause dementia. The age may decrease the speed at the time to learn or remember when, but does not explain the loss of memory, does not justify the everyday memory failure, repeated and persistent. When someone asked if a loved one, whether he or she is starting with an Alzheimer's that it's time to go to the doctor and that is the time when the physician must be prepared to give a professional response based on clinical evaluation and a proportionate and appropriate diagnostic studies as well as full respect for rights and autonomy of the person consulting. "
The doctor continues:
"Although in recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of disease, as well as early diagnosis is necessary to continue to promote efforts to promote health education of the population about what the early symptoms and promote effective coordination between health primary and specialist to ensure the best response to the demand for diagnostic of the person who complains about memory leaks. The diagnostic and therapeutic clinical research remains crucial to one of the diseases that increase in incidence in the coming years. "
"In particular, in Spain, clinical research has been showing for years a significant delay compared to other developed countries. Is necessary to enhance the clinical units of dementia, brain banks, clinicopathologic studies, projects anatomical and functional neuroimaging and clinical centers that support research. "
Source and credits:
You are what you think
As he thinks within himself, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
The thoughts make the man. As a man thinketh so is he.
If man thinks that all people are good (I always find good people and respectful in my way), then good people will be on your walk. If you think that the world is full of opportunities, you'll find, if you think I am love, prosperity and abundance, it will.
We human beings have a great power inside us that rarely appreciate, because we see our mind ... are what we think.
All we are we are in our thoughts. And with our thoughts, we build our world.
- Buddha
You create your life with your thoughts. Or, more specifically, your deepest beliefs that live in your subconscious. If you think health, love, money, prosperity, wealth, continually, continuously, and if you think you focus your mind on achieving your subconscious print these positive thoughts in every moment of your life, that's what you will receive shortly.
Life, the universe is created in thought.
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and those who make evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because they have the power in his hand.
- Mic 2:1
Good for those who think bedtime beautiful things in the visions of grandeur.
"O king, the thoughts that stirred in the bed your mind related to what will happen in the future, and who reveals mysteries made known to you what will happen.
Daniel 2:29
"The life of a man is what his thoughts want to be."
- Marco Aurelio
The universe is created with ideas, information. All the universe you perceive as the material universe is due to mental universe that you accept as real.
The mental set is the set of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, scruples, values, etc.. you accept. Your mind creates your world together. If you want to change your world, your life, you change your mind set.
The mental set are the parameters that you accept as true.
For your current personality, which began to form your mind set from the moment you were conceived / a.
From the time you were getting ideas, truths, values, be used to create this world.
We see only what we know.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German writer and thinker
The thoughts make the man. As a man thinketh so is he.
If man thinks that all people are good (I always find good people and respectful in my way), then good people will be on your walk. If you think that the world is full of opportunities, you'll find, if you think I am love, prosperity and abundance, it will.
We human beings have a great power inside us that rarely appreciate, because we see our mind ... are what we think.
All we are we are in our thoughts. And with our thoughts, we build our world.
- Buddha
You create your life with your thoughts. Or, more specifically, your deepest beliefs that live in your subconscious. If you think health, love, money, prosperity, wealth, continually, continuously, and if you think you focus your mind on achieving your subconscious print these positive thoughts in every moment of your life, that's what you will receive shortly.
Life, the universe is created in thought.
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and those who make evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because they have the power in his hand.
- Mic 2:1
Good for those who think bedtime beautiful things in the visions of grandeur.
"O king, the thoughts that stirred in the bed your mind related to what will happen in the future, and who reveals mysteries made known to you what will happen.
Daniel 2:29
"The life of a man is what his thoughts want to be."
- Marco Aurelio
The universe is created with ideas, information. All the universe you perceive as the material universe is due to mental universe that you accept as real.
The mental set is the set of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, scruples, values, etc.. you accept. Your mind creates your world together. If you want to change your world, your life, you change your mind set.
The mental set are the parameters that you accept as true.
For your current personality, which began to form your mind set from the moment you were conceived / a.
From the time you were getting ideas, truths, values, be used to create this world.
We see only what we know.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German writer and thinker
The comet Elenin will not destroy Earth
It approaches Earth at nearly 90,000 km. per hour and its closest approach to Earth will occur on 16 October. According to some, however, several weeks before that day the comet Elenin (officially designated C/2010 X1) planted in our world a wave of death and destruction as has not been known until now. Massive eruptions, major earthquakes, tsunamis, catastrophic solar flares, magnetic reversal of the poles and a whole string of disasters with an intensity never before seen by man. It will be between 26 and 27 this September. The reason for so much destruction, according to those who feed the idea is that, precisely during those days, the comet will be aligned with the Earth and the Sun Which, to understand, means that you could draw a straight line to play at a time the three celestial bodies. And it's the last two times I saw that lineup coincided with earthquakes of Chile (February 27, 2010) and Japan (March 11, 2011). Some "scientists" (including a certain Mensur Omerbashib) curl curl and strive to complete the list of astronomical alignments disastrous. And they have found all of them, when they occur, consistent with earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6. Omerbashib argues that, despite its small size (compared to a planet), the destructive potential of comets (and other celestial objects) when they are aligned with other worlds is due to "a phenomenon of resonance magnification" he himself has described and which has come to present to experts at Cornell University.
Without much success, indeed. To complete the picture, others have wanted to see this comet Niburu, the obscure and unknown "Planet X" Solar System, a mysterious world that just happens around us each many thousands of years, inexorably causing major disasters and mass extinctions. Or say that even this could be a companion star called the Sun (a small brown dwarf) star does not shine (and that has not been discovered) but its enormous mass, several times that of Jupiter, become a real harbinger of destruction. It all started a few months ago, when an Internet user, playing with an educational program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, which allows you to draw a diagram of the orbits of the planets known objects, noticed that precisely in the days when Elenin position aligned with the Earth and the Sun there were two earthquakes in Chile and Japan. During the first alignment (the February 27, 2010) the Elenin was about 630 million km. of the Earth. During the second (March 11 this year), was reduced to half that distance (about 300 million km), which would explain that the earthquake in Japan was much more destructive than that of Chile. What will be able to do during the next Elenin alignment, the 26 to 27 this month, when only be about 50 million miles away? With these premises, and as has happened on other occasions, the story spread like wildfire through the Internet and social networking. And a cloud of "experts" have been added to the virtual forums with new data and "scientific calculations" that demonstrate the inevitability of the catastrophe.
As the weeks pass and the d "day" approaches, the stories multiply and blend into each other: NASA knows what will happen and hides, several astronomers who wanted to reveal the truth have died in a within a few days victims of a rare disease, the comet is only the vanguard of an alien invasion that is hidden in its wake ... There is something for all tastes. In this situation, NASA in mid-August issued a statement calling for calm and explaining that none of this will happen. The comet is only 3.5 km. diameter is too small to alter the orbit of a planet or to remove the Earth's tectonic plates and cause earthquakes. In addition, during its closest approach to the Elenin will be more than 35 million km. away, 92 times what separates us from the moon and almost the same as that between the Earth and Venus. Not to mention that Elenin reached on September 10th point of closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) and scientists have found in recent days, a rapid decline in brightness, which suggests that, consumed by solar radiation, is a disintegrating comet. As it is, almost certainly, his last trip around the Sun. The images in these lines show how he saw the comet on 29 August and how, after its perihelion, no trace of him could be seen on 14 September.
Praise your children for their effort, not intelligence
Carol Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford, has devoted years to prove that one of the key elements of successful education is the ability to learn from mistakes. However, we often teach the opposite. If a child makes mistakes, is not very smart. The set does not make mistakes, and also precisely why we praise him for being ready. Few people are praising others for their effort, not innate ability.
Dweck conducted an experiment with more than 400 children from twelve schools in New York, were subjected to a very easy test consisting of a non-verbal puzzle. Once completed, the experimenter said the note to the child, followed by a phrase of praise. Half of the children were praised for their intelligence, the other half, for their efforts. Then they were allowed to choose between two different tests. The first option is described as a series of difficult puzzles, but told the children that if they tried, they would learn a lot. The other option was a simple test, similar to what they had done. When designing the experiment, Dweck had imagined that the different forms of praise would have a rather moderate. At the end of the day, it was just a phrase.
However, it soon became clear that the kind of compliment that became the fifth graders dramatically influenced subsequent choice tests. The group of children congratulated for their effort, 99% chose the set of difficult puzzles. For their part, most of the kids praised for their intelligence, they decided on the easier test. When we praise the intelligence of a child, we are actually getting the message: be smart, do not risk making mistakes. Dweck The following experiments also suggest that this fear of failure also inhibits learning. With the same group of group of children were subjected to another test, this time very difficult to see how they responded to the challenge.
Those who had been praised for their effort in the first trial, worked assiduously to solve the problem, engaging with great enthusiasm. However, children praised for their intelligence is quickly discouraged because they considered the inevitable mistakes as signs of failure, perhaps, deep down, they thought, were not ready. The final series of tests showed the same level of difficulty than the first. In any case, students praised for effort showed significant improvement: their average score increased by 30%. As these children were willing to accept challenges (although at first it meant missing), ended up paying a much higher level. This result was even more admirable when comparing with students who had been randomized to the group "ready" scores dropped an average of almost 20%. For children "ready", the experience of failure had been so daunting that actually experienced a setback.
Dweck conducted an experiment with more than 400 children from twelve schools in New York, were subjected to a very easy test consisting of a non-verbal puzzle. Once completed, the experimenter said the note to the child, followed by a phrase of praise. Half of the children were praised for their intelligence, the other half, for their efforts. Then they were allowed to choose between two different tests. The first option is described as a series of difficult puzzles, but told the children that if they tried, they would learn a lot. The other option was a simple test, similar to what they had done. When designing the experiment, Dweck had imagined that the different forms of praise would have a rather moderate. At the end of the day, it was just a phrase.
However, it soon became clear that the kind of compliment that became the fifth graders dramatically influenced subsequent choice tests. The group of children congratulated for their effort, 99% chose the set of difficult puzzles. For their part, most of the kids praised for their intelligence, they decided on the easier test. When we praise the intelligence of a child, we are actually getting the message: be smart, do not risk making mistakes. Dweck The following experiments also suggest that this fear of failure also inhibits learning. With the same group of group of children were subjected to another test, this time very difficult to see how they responded to the challenge.
Those who had been praised for their effort in the first trial, worked assiduously to solve the problem, engaging with great enthusiasm. However, children praised for their intelligence is quickly discouraged because they considered the inevitable mistakes as signs of failure, perhaps, deep down, they thought, were not ready. The final series of tests showed the same level of difficulty than the first. In any case, students praised for effort showed significant improvement: their average score increased by 30%. As these children were willing to accept challenges (although at first it meant missing), ended up paying a much higher level. This result was even more admirable when comparing with students who had been randomized to the group "ready" scores dropped an average of almost 20%. For children "ready", the experience of failure had been so daunting that actually experienced a setback.
Friday, September 9, 2011
How to Repair an MP3 Player

How to fix the MP3 player, the idea here is to take a soldering tin, open the MP3 player as a watermelon and start changing components. We refer to compensation at the software level, or when the default firmware starts to do his thing and there seems nothing to do back of darkness. One option is to try to force an official firmware, but there is an alternative, as long as your device is compatible: Rockbox. It takes a while among us, but its development has come a long way, and its compatibility list has become longer.
Can we consider a dedicated mp3 player as obsolete? After all, playing music is just a function in the great majority of phones available in the market, but those who advocate "decentralization" of devices must use and abuse of them. Like with any expression of modern technology, an MP3 player may stop working. Usually the reason involves an accident such as "physically strong" or typical "amphibious exploration," but also the firmware, and from time to time, decide to have a rebel attack that takes a walk indefinite. Now, if the player is a relatively known brand, there should be an official method of recovery. However an alternative would be to replace the firmware directly. Rockbox has passed through the halls of the blogs few years ago and has come a long way since then. The list of supported devices has expanded, and fortunately, its main functions are still intact. It is generally faster than the standard firmware may lead to lower power consumption in some models, with comprehensive support of audio formats (including FLAC always desired), enables images and text, and also provides playback video units that allow it. The players support list includes classics like the first iPod (in unstable), the Archos players and renowned people Sansa SanDisk and others. Be sure to visit the official website to see if there is at least an unstable version that works with your player.
The installation utility is easy to use, and can run on Windows, Mac and Linux. Although the review indicates a date of May 2011, the latest version was compiled in late June. Even if your mp3 is not a problem, not a bad idea to replace its firmware with Rockbox. Its built-in functions beyond what the manufacturer provides by default, so it would be possible to inject a little life to an old player. Now, if what you have in your hands is one of many "s1mp3" generic from the East, then Rockbox is for you. Pay a visit to this site, find the model of motherboard in your player, and cross your fingers hoping you have a compatible firmware.
To download Rockbox visit the following URL:
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
NASA: Travel the solar system in 3D from the browser

Whether for education or to satisfy curiosity, applications that bring us the universe through the screen has always been our favorites. Now NASA has once again demonstrated their teaching skills and technology in an application to the browser that lets you tour the solar system in 3D.
From NASA comes to your browser Eyes on the Solar System, where you can have guided tours or just for our neighborhood space using updated data in real time. NASA launched the Solar System suey on a 3D platform with the possibility of stereoscopic 3D (with glasses to see) that runs from the browser by downloading a plugin. From here you can browse for free or Guild Solar System, with data taken from the very basis of NASAy updated in real time by the U.S. agency and its various subdivisions. The application is not in technology we've seen in other interactive 3D applications, but is developed with technology from video games to an alternative sense of control, using both the mouse and keyboard to navigate menus and interactive. At the start you have to download the Unity plugin which is available for Windows and Mac at the moment, and once installed the plugin, you can start a journey through the Solar System Eyes on by going to your website. Inside, and not at all English, you will find invitations to visit current mission, to go directly through the solar system or start with an introduction, which is the video of the article, and add some tutorials that despite being in another language are easily understood by visual demonstration. The application is very fluid, but still has options to lower quality graphics if your computer shows any fatigue. Among other things we saw you can do is review of media files on a mission, visual checks of lights, modification time and date to present and future, increase speed, view satellite tour and modify various aspects of the configuration. Eyes on The Solar System is ideal for exploring the solar system in 3D and learn even more our home, without a doubt recommend it.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
LG 3D Optimus 2012 will take an especially thin

LG is working on an update to its star phone, LG 3D Optimus, a showcase technology from the Korean company, which highlight the 3D display (no glasses) and dual-core processor, signed by Texas Instruments.
Updating the phone's main objective is to get a super-thin design, we talk about 7 millimeters thick, while preserving the virtues of the phone. It is quite possible that in 2012 we start seeing Smartphones on the market close to 6 mm.
The information has been given exclusively by one of the creators of the first phone, Dr. Henry Noh, people from Pocket-Lint. Also reported that the phone does not appear this year on the market.
It is very interesting to hear from a designer of smartphones as a first firm LG: Henry is honest about his phone, knowing that the phone is not more attractive or the thinnest on the market, so you have to work on this sense.
He also believes that mobile is increasingly more like (size, thickness, design ...), so the market is becoming boring. We appreciate your sincerity, but the truth is in their power to try to circle the issue.
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